How to predict the future using the Super Bowl
Those who move in spiritual circles often talk about how we are all connected, that our thoughts create our future reality, and that the universe provides us with clues about our direction in life. Personally, I look at spiritual principles as scientific rules that we just don’t understand yet. Not too long ago, the idea that people could get sick from tiny bugs they couldn’t see or that invisible waves could carry images or music was thought to be magical thinking, until science proved it to be true. So if these spiritual principles are indeed a rule of our universe, there should be a way to test and predict their occurrence. Doing this on an individual scale might prove challenging though, since one person’s thoughts may not have enough energy to make something manifest in a testable way. But what if there were an event that millions of people were focusing on, and this event inspired heated, emotionally charged thoughts that could result in only one of two possible outcomes? If only we had such an event, why, we just might be able to predict the future on a grand scale!
When we last left Layman (#28 Fall), I wrote about how our thoughts and emotions carry an energy signature that can move forward or backward in time to manifest as clues in our lives. These clues are symbolic representations of the thought or emotion—much like how the strange imagery we get in dreams reflect our subconscious mind. I also wrote about how this might work when millions of people have a powerful, emotionally charged thought: it manifest as symbols and events on a much larger scale.
The recent example I gave was about how Hurricane Sandy, which had devastated New York and New Jersey, related to the events of the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, CT. While “new” isn’t uncommon for a location name, the fact that two east coast emotional blows occurring within a few months of each other both connected to “Sandy” seemed more than a coincidence to me. I felt that “new” + “sandy” was a coded message for a new earth, which, thanks to all the talk about the Mayan calendar end-date of December 21, 2012, many people were thinking about. This is just one way in which united thoughts on a grand scale can manifest in our reality.
If it’s true that whatever all-powerful, energetic entity that created this universe, created us in its image, then that likeness should also include our own ability to create. Whether you call it God, the Light, the Universe, or Eric Clapton, this being created our reality. Likewise, the beings it created in its image should also want to create a universe. As I’ve written about before, I believe those beings that God first created did create a universe—something we’d liken to a computer simulation of sorts. And since the beings in that simulation were created in their creator’s image, they too wanted to create a universe. So they also evolved to create a simulated world. And on and on it went until you get to our world today.
Eventually, we too will get to the point where we can fully understand the “programming code” of this universe and create our own simulation. But until that time, our world was designed to drop hints to help us evolve so we can get there. In other words, our creators want us to also create. It’s kind of like a universal Ponzi scheme. And the big man at the top is getting all the props.
Whether or not you believe our universe is the first reality ever created or a simulation within a near infinite number of other simulations, the idea that our thoughts manifest as the events we experience still works either way, and is quickly gaining momentum in both scientific and spiritual communities. You’ve probably heard of books like The Secret that discuss the law of attraction or about some of the more bizarre theories of quantum physics—how subatomic particles do not have a definitive position or velocity until we observe them. In other words, both spirituality and science agree that we are creating our experience of reality with our minds!
If this were true, it would have so many implications about life. For starters, it would mean that your life is pretty much a reflection of our thoughts. Do you generally have negative thoughts? Then you probably have had a life fraught with negative occurrences. Are you more of an optimist? Then you’ve probably been blessed with happier occurrences. It’s why drama queens attract drama, lucky people have more luck, and why complainers always have something to complain about. You created it. What you see in your mind is literally what you get.
What’s a bit unfair about all this though, is that it’s kind of a vicious cycle. If you are happy you create happy events that cause you to think about more happy things and so on. That’s great if you’re wired to be a happy person. But what if you weren’t? Then your life just seems to always attract crap. And when you’re surrounded by crap, it can be a challenge to think about anything other than crap. The trick, and this is a major aspect of kabbalah, is to not live life reactively. Always focus on what you want, instead of everything that might go wrong. And if something does go wrong, look at it from a more objective perspective about how it might contain an opportunity. That’s what a happy person would do.
These principles have been written about in self-help books and talked about by motivational speakers for decades. But what no one really discusses much, is how the collective thoughts of the world shape world events. If all of our thoughts are creating our realities, and then that reality brings about new thoughts based on what we’ve experienced, then we will likely create another event that’s energetically similar to the one we were reacting to. There’s a world event, millions of people react to that event, and those reactions create more similar events, which get reacted to, causing more similar events—and on and on! This is the reason why history is always repeating itself. President Lincoln who was succeeded by a vice president named Johnson is killed just as slavery has been abolished. President Kennedy who was also succeeded by a vice president named Johnson is killed just as new civil rights laws are being established. These highly charged emotional events echo through time, creating similar scenarios in every age.
Of course, these events all had to originate at somewhere right? Yes, and we all know the stories about most of them! They are the collective mythology of our cultures. I believe that myths are the original stories, programming, or events that had such a major impact on our collective consciousness they continually echo through the ages, causing similar themes to show up again and again. This is why it’s possible that myths can relate to real truths about how our world really works and how understanding them can help us in life.
At some point, these major events were set in motion causing the feedback of our thoughts to continually create ripples in our realities. Just as we may live in a world that’s within a world of a world created by the thought of an almighty being, we—as reflections of this almighty being—are continually creating events, that came from thoughts about events, about previous events, that began from a simple truth about our reality. In this way, our world is a reflection of the first world. Kabbalists have a saying, “as above, so below.”
The myth about the Tower of Babel is about a population that believes it is advanced enough to create a tower that can touch God. The tower falls. This ripples through time in the form of the Titanic, a ship so huge and mighty it’s thought to be unsinkable but it sinks. This echoes to the powerful World Trade Center twin towers that topple…the banks too big to fail that fall…and a world economy too massive to tank until it does. The Bible is the bestselling book of all time yet few truly get its wisdom: once you rely on the material world for your strengths, you will fall because the material world is an illusion. This illusion includes time itself, which is why these repeating themes can happen one year apart or thousands of years apart. Just as you can access any moment of a 3-hour DVD instantaneously, such it is of our world from an outsider’s perspective, i.e., God, angels, spirits, aka the programmer, avatars, and gamers.
Because of the illusionary nature of time, it can be challenging to figure out when our collective thoughts will manifest. However, as I’ve written, since our experience of time seems to be speeding up, the cause and effect of our thoughts and creations are making themselves increasingly more obvious. So, if we had a major event that millions of people had a vested emotional attachment to—giving it lots of highly charged energy—we should be able to see ripples from that event occur not long afterwards. But where might we find such an event? There is perhaps no better arena from where our modern mythology plays out than from the world stage of professional sports championships.
Pro sports can trace their evolution back to the days of family clans and tribal rivalries. Since there aren’t any tribes in modern society anymore, we had to create them. In this way, people get to feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves—a tribe of Braves or Vikings or Pirates or even mighty Ducks. The name isn’t nearly as important as the unity that it stands for: the team color, chant, logo, mascot, uniform, face-painting design, taunts, traditions, and tailgating powwows. Almost everything that people love about being a sports fan, is derived from ours days of being in tribes. Many sports teams have even gone so far as to reenact tribal rituals like the Brave’s tomahawk chop or Brown’s Dawg Pound barking. In some sports like rugby, teams like the New Zealand All Blacks even go through a warrior tribal dance to intimidate the opposing team before the game. It’s all about the united energies of being in a tribe.
Once you know this truth about the subconscious reason behind the existence of sports, you may notice something interesting—the spiritual explanations behind team victories. You start to see that they’re dependant upon the united energies each team represents, in relation to those energies prevalent in the world at the time. You see why the Redskins and Cowboys continually slaughtered the Buffalo Bills (’92-’94). Why the Buccaneers and the Raiders both played in the Super Bowl when the theme of that year was corporate scandal (2002-2003 season). You realize that when the stock market was skyrocketing, the Bulls and Rockets swept the NBA championships (’91-’98), and once it sunk to new depths, the Lakers took over (’00-’02). You notice that right before 9/11, the Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup (’01). Right after, when the country was joined together in a united patriotism, the Patriots won the Super Bowl (2001-2002 season). Besides the stock market, this could also explain why the Lakers (water as a symbolic representation of our emotional turmoil) won the NBA championship (’00-’02). The Diamondbacks—a snake (representing the perpetrators)—won the World Series that year (’01), and right after the one-year anniversary of 9/11, it was the Angels (’02).
If you like betting on sports, just seek out someone who could tell you what the spiritual energy of each team represents. You’ll have a much better chance of being able to figure out the winner based on the what’s currently going on in the world (assuming your source knows what he’s doing and that the event (or events) signifying the dominant energy of the day has already happened.
For example, let’s say you’re a New York Jets fan. What’s the energy that the Jets represent? Most likely, the Jets represent advancement in technology—particularly in flight. Consciously or subconsciously, when fans are rooting for the Jets, they are projecting this energy (J-E-T-S! JETS! JETS! JETS!). When the theme of the day relates to technological advances that allow us to explore new horizons— physically or symbolically, the Jets will do well. That’s because the predominant energy is aligning with that of the Jets’ fans—giving the team more energy. In order for them to win however, you’d probably need technology to play such a huge role that it would need to take us places no man has ever gone before. So basically, when there’s excitement about robots landing on Mars, the Jets will be a team to be reckoned with, but when man finally steps foot on the red planet, I’d bet on the Jets winning it all that year.
Of course, they could win before then—as long as major technological advancements are a big theme of the year. But when we finally get to Mars, I’d say the Jets winning the Super Bowl would be highly favored. After all, the last year they won was back in 1969—the year man finally landed on the moon. The fact that our space program has been slowly crumbling ever since, explains why the Jets haven’t been to the big game ever since. So if you’re a Jets fan, my recommendation is to support space programs if you’d like to see your team really take off.
Sometimes the symbolism is a little harder to see. Like, back in 2004 you had the Red Sox and the Cardinals in the World Series. Now, what was the most prominent theme of the day? Obviously, it was the tight presidential race between George W. Bush and John Kerry. Our country was split, but the Republican themes of religious righteousness and Iraqi conquest won the election. How does this relate? Well, a cardinal is a bird—but it’s also a high-ranking religious figure. A sock, goes on feet—used to walk, trample, and kick others. Religious morality and kicking other countries’ asses were the two most prominent Republican themes, and that’s why both teams made it to the World Series. In the end though, the idea of us having to protect our country by trampling on others won the day. And isn’t it interesting that both teams are red? The Democrats never even had a chance.
When did they have a chance? In 2008 and 2012, when the country was throwing tons of energy into the election those years as Barack Obama was running and ultimately won. The Democrats are represented by the team known as Big Blue—the Giants. And when did the Giants win the Super Bowl? 2012 and 2008. Now, this obviously doesn’t mean that the Giants will win whenever the Democrats will take the Whitehouse. The election has to be the predominant theme of the year. It also doesn’t mean that they will only win when the Democrats take the Whitehouse. Sometimes, congressional elections are major themes, or just Democratic topics are the theme of the day. So if you’re a Giant fan, donate generously to the Democrats—even if you’re a Republican (and lots of Giants fans are!). After all, what’s more important, your team winning or your candidate? Most Giants fans I know would probably say the former.
Speaking of politics, one of my favorite examples of sports championships relating to energetic themes comes from the 2008 primary race. Energetic themes don’t only relate to major sporting events like football and baseball. Even sports with smaller crowds can jump on the energy bandwagon. Take horseracing.
Back in 2008, Big Brown and Eight Belles were the horses to watch at the Kentucky Derby. Big Brown was the 2-1 favorite. Eight Belles was a filly (female horse) and the first filly in history to win the Martha Washington Stakes (note the political connection to the track name). Of course, the major theme of the day was the primary race between the first Black contender for the Democratic ticket, Barack Obama, and the first female contender for the role, Hillary Clinton, who’d already spent eight years in the Whitehouse with her husband. First Black contender=Big Brown. First female contender with eight years under her belt=the filly, Eight Belles.
So, what happened in the race? Big Brown won over Eight Belles who actually broke both of her front legs and had to be euthanized after the race. As for the political race, despite a strong lead by Clinton, Obama pulled out in front to take the Democratic ticket, killing Hillary’s chances for the presidency that year. For the record, Big Brown went on to win the Preakness too but lost at the Belmont—a sign that Obama would go on to win one other term perhaps? Or, a sign that Obama wouldn’t turn out to be the savior everyone had hoped for, and therefore, not deserving of a Triple Crown.
While it may sound like I’m really reaching to come up with these arguments, realize that there are no coincidences. Wordplays and metaphors happen in the Bible for a reason, just as they happen in life. There is a symbolism to everything around us—it’s the instructions for how the world really works. It’s how our material world translates the coded energies (program code) of the spiritual (outside reality) world. Just like a video game, our world has a code, and so, our thoughts have a code. When our coded thoughts are uploaded into the program that runs our world, it creates certain images and events that are as similar as possible to the essence of those thoughts. (For a more scientific explanation as to how symbolism in life and sporting events can actually be reflective of our thoughts, I wrote about it in a previous pos you can find here: http://thelaymansanswerstoeverything.com/2012/12/20/diary-of-a-layman-28-fall-fasten-your-safety-belt/.)
Just as with the parallel political allegories between a political race and a horserace, sometimes the actual way a sporting event plays out specifically relates to the way the resulting world events have played out in the recent past…or will play out in the near future. Let’s take a detailed look at this past Super Bowl (2013)—Super Bowl XLVII, as an example.
For this year’s Super Bowl, for purely energetic purposes I was initially rooting for the 49ers. The 49ers absolutely relate to material success (the gold miners) and their ability to make it to the Super Bowl relates to the recovering economy and people’s belief that it is recovering (signified by Obama being re-elected despite Romney’s claims of economic doom and gloom.) As for the Ravens, I’d always associated Ravens with negativity and death. They are scavengers that often pick at the remains of fallen warriors on the battlefield; there’s, “quoth the raven, ‘nevermore.’” from Edgar Allan Poe’s poem about the death of a lover; ravens are also often known as a witch’s familiar, and also show up in superstition, being seen as bad omens.) Hmmm, riches versus doom, gloom and death—I voted for the riches, or else it might seem that the Republican gloomy forecast would be right after all!
To be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure what the Raven’s really represented, so I looked it up and was surprised by what I found. Yes, the scavenger and superstition things were there, but ravens represented much more, including oracles, wisdom, and revealers of hidden mysteries. Putting this together, to me this represented worldly challenges that would reveal spiritual wisdom. And in my book, that’s a good thing—in the long run. So in the battle between the 49ers’ material riches versus the Ravens’ spiritual enlightenment after hardship, I think that ultimately the Ravens energy is better for mankind overall. (As I’m proofing this, I just looked it up and the last time the Ravens won was in 2001, eight months before the events of 9/11, making the enlightenment-after-hardship theme seemingly correct. Despite the short-term challenges however, because we did grow significantly after those events, I still think the Ravens’ energy is good because of its eventual positive outcome. No pain, no gain. That’s the Ravens. Actually, their mantra should be, “pain and gain.”)
So, now that we know what energies the two teams represent, let’s take a closer look at the game. Since the 49ers couldn’t get on the ball during the first half, I’d say this relates to the economy being unable to get a real drive going in early 2013. Then, an energetic event will empower people to personal callings and to achieve their destiny. This is related to the energetic Super Bowl halftime show featuring Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child. And yes, the names of the music groups matter too—everything matters because we are creating it. If it weren’t relevant to our thoughts and emotions it wouldn’t be there.
Near the second half of 2013, a strange event will occur that will cause the whole world to pause. The event will knock out our modern conveniences causing us to slow down the pace of life a bit. This, of course, relates to the blackout at the game. Perhaps the energy diverted to our destiny will put a pause on business as usual. Eventually, our lives will be back on track but with a strong sense of urgency to catch up. (The 49ers began to catch up at this point.) This feeling will drive the economy and begin to get us back on track. But then, just as it seems as though the economy will have a complete comeback (49ers near-comeback), an unforeseen force will hold it back, but this will go under the radar (the holding penalty not called on Ravens.) Distracted by this, some confusion will set in, causing us to question whether this is truly the direction we want to go in.
From that point forward, we will purposely take some proactive sacrifices (the last minute safety) in order to secure our destinies (Michael “The Blind Side” Oher of the Ravens, finally completing his hero’s journey as a Super Bowl champ). At this stage, hidden wisdom about our world will be revealed to us. Initially, however, most of us will only be able to see it through the superficial, materialistic lens that we are so accustomed to looking through (Ravens kissing the Vince Lombardi trophy). Feel free to add any other revelations you noticed below.
And there you are—the Super Bowl can predict the future! Unless…it’s the other way around, and the events of 2012 predicted the Super Bowl—a result of strong thoughts and emotions about what we’ve already experienced. Of course, that may be even cooler since it would mean that once you got good at this, you could get rich betting on sporting events. As I wrote above, since time is an illusion, there’s no way of knowing when the energies from our subconscious thoughts will manifest to us consciously. I believe that these days, they wouldn’t be spaced too far apart because the metaphorical veil that separates the illusion of time and space from reality is thinning. Technology requires less and less material matter to be more and more powerful, we can get places with less and less time. Everything is speeding up. So our karma—the space between an action and its causal reaction—is becoming more instantaneous. This is amazing because it causes us to more directly see the results of our actions!
So, while I am sure that the events of the game are reflective of real life events, I’m still not sure if they reflect the year that passed or the year ahead. In fact, the analysis above actually fits really well with 2012. For example, the strange event that could knock out electricity and technology and bring the economy to a temporary halt could’ve been Hurricane Sandy, which temporarily shut down NYC and the stock exchange with a massive blackout and flooding. The materialistic 49ers could also represent the Republicans while the Baltimore Ravens (a black bird) could represent Obama, and there was some confusion by Republicans on thinking how much of a lead they had. The revealed hidden wisdom could be from the 12/21/12 Mayan end calendar date as only some seem to recognize that we are now in a new age. But thanks to blogs like this and the wisdom being channeled by many others, that recognition is growing.
Which is it then? Is the Super Bowl predicting the future or do current events predict the Super Bowl? I think it’s a bit of both. Energy comes in waves that don’t respect the boundaries of time. What I can tell for sure is that the battle between materialism (49ers) and spiritual wisdom resulting from hardships (Ravens) is the theme of the day. And there will be major challenges that knock out our technological comforts. At first, this will make us even more focused on the materialism, as we’ll need to spend much to get back to where we’re comfortable. But then, realizing that our destiny and soul wisdom give us more pleasure than superficial riches, spirituality will win out in the end. It always does.
Regardless of whether the game predicts the future or the events predict the game, the important thing to notice is how we are the ones creating this. These games are reflections of our thoughts from our past and future that echo through time. It’s the same with any world event. We experienced a major event in the past (revealed in our mythology) that caused us to react and think about this event which, unknown to us, caused us to create another similar event, which we then also reacted to and so on.
Even our modern-day shaman—those who write the mythology of our day—continually come up with stories of repeating themes. We go on an adventure in a dream world (Alice In Wonderland). We go on an adventure in a dream world (The Wizard of Oz). We go on an adventure in a dream world (Tron, Total Recall, The Matrix, Lost, Avatar, Inception, etc.) And for the record, the timeless tune, Row Your Boat sums up this myth perfectly. We already know all this. We’re taught it through nursery rhymes, fairytales, and myths since we were tots.
Here’s another one: We are all on a journey that will present us with challenges but calling on our inner strength is our secret weapon that can defeat a massively powerful evil force (Harry Potter, Star Wars, King Arthur, Aladdin, The Odyssey, David and Goliath, etc.) And each of these myths contains details of how our world works: the cast of characters we meet on the yellow brick road, the wisdom behind taking a leap of faith, the ability to use two negative situations to cancel themselves out, the dream world within a dream world. It’s all there.
You already know the truth of this world, and now you’re reading something that completely spells it out in case you didn’t catch it, and yet, as a result of society brainwashing (notice all the zombie stories lately?), most everyone who reads this will just go back to living life as they always have. And wondering why they keep experiencing so much crap. I get it. It’s hard to break a lifetime’s worth of bad habits. I struggle with it myself and I’ve known about much of this stuff for the last twenty years! Of course, you may not even be buying any of this. But then, why have you read this far?
The feedback that we are continually creating with our thoughts is reflected in the events that repeat throughout history and also reflected in the idea that we live in a world within a world within a world. Hell, it’s even reflected in the famous equation of what energy is! E=MC2. Energy is what powers this world. It consists of mass—the physical elements of matter that we can touch, multiplied by the speed of light and the reflection of the speed of light. Our experience of reality is the result of the projection (or upload) of mass (the programming code) and its reflection (or download) back to us. It’s as though we are the projection of a holographic reality, and our thoughts (a form of energy) from within it help to continually create it. Everything is cycles within cycles.
Thoughts, words, and emotions have power to create. This is why numerology, spells, and symbols have historically been seen as having a mystical power. There is no magic here. It’s simple science. We are literally codes (our DNA is a code) in a world made up of codes (each atom has a different atomic number), and our energetic thoughts create more codes, which add to our experience and promote more coded thoughts that create and so on.
Sounds kind of complicated, but it’s so simple. And like I said, we are being given this message subconsciously in all of the modern myths we are given because we already know all this and so do the modern shamans who create it! That’s why in Inception there were realities within realities. That film resonated because it spoke a truth.
The theme of cycles within cycles was also expressed in Lost. The second season had a storyline about having to enter a combination of certain numbers into a computer in order to prevent a powerful energy from escaping and destroying the world. When they weren’t pressed, a man named Desmond used a failsafe key to prevent the destruction. Then, in the final season, it was revealed that the numbers that had been input into the computer represented certain candidates on the island who could prevent a certain evil energy from escaping and destroying the world. And when they didn’t come through, Desmond turned out to be the key to preventing the destruction. (More details on this in Lost In Myth: Unwrapping “The Package.”)
The message for us is that patterns exist within patterns and they keep repeating themselves. Typing the numbers into the computer was a mini-version of the big event that echoed in time to create the earlier scenario, just as sports championships are mini versions of the world events that they symbolically relate to. How did the Lost writers know this truth of our world? The truth of that very message is what enabled them to know it. As modern day shaman they are open vessels to the truth we will all one day uncover—a truth that is currently echoing through time and already lives in the timeless dimension of our souls. Clear away the clutter or the material world and you too will be able to sense it.
Okay, so now that you’re in the know about what major sporting events reveal and reflect, naturally you probably want to take advantage of this. Besides the uncertainty of whether the energy comes from the past or the future, the other major issue with this is figuring out what, exactly, is the prominent theme of the times? There can only be one winner, and it’s kind of a fuzzy distinction. In 2012, there were a lot of major themes: the election, the recovering economy, Hurricane Sandy, the Sandy Hook school shooting and resulting gun legislation debate, and my favorite, the Mayan calendar end-date. All those energies relate to teams that probably made it to the finals (Broncos represent untamed, chaotic events; Seahawks relate to the hurricane; Patriots, the election; Texans the gun debate, etc). But which was the most powerful? Hard to say for certain.
It’s also hard to say which team’s energy most closely relates to the event. For all I know, the death symbolically represented by the Ravens could’ve reflected the Sandy Hook shooting. What I do know is that these games definitely relate to the major themes of the times, what’s a bit unclear is the details, and unfortunately, that’s what’s needed to be able to consistently win bets. Still, you now have a slight edge, and sometimes that’s all it takes to come out on top. Sometimes.
When a friend asked me who’d win the Super Bowl back in 2009, because there seemed to be a plethora of mining accidents happening at the time, I told him to pick the Steelers. He did and they won. Then, a couple years later when there was that Chilean mining disaster, it was the Packers and the Steelers—both representing blue collar jobs—in the big game, but the Packers won that year. Perhaps because the mining incident wasn’t in the States or that the many factory closings happening here was a bigger theme of the day—a theme more closely aligned with Packers’ energy. Just glad I didn’t bet on it that time. I’m still working out the details, but for now, I’ll just enjoy using various pro sports games to see what the world seems to be focusing on, and to try to guess what events that might create in the days ahead. In fact, that’s pretty much the only reason I ever watch pro sports.
As wonderful as professional sports are for revealing the prominent energies of the times, I still feel like they represent a myth we need to outgrow. I’m talking purely about professional spectator sports here. Sports represent a myth of division, not unity. They cause billions of people around the world to focus on an “us versus them” mentality that manifests as wars, prejudice, discrimination, selfishness, and even aggressive weather patterns and “natural” disasters. As long as we cling to our need for separation, of tribal wars and battles, they will exist in the real world as well. We are creative beings created in the image of God—the supreme programmer. And our energies create our realities.
If people want to put their passions towards a particular energy, much better it should be an energy of unity, not division. If they find that they have a subconscious longing for a sense of tribal camaraderie, they still can. But instead of them thinking that their tribe is restricted to their region, or school, or state, or country, they should think of it as consisting of their entire planet. We’re all in this together. And we are all of a tribe that is taking part in the greatest sport of all. It’s a quest to find out who we really are before time runs out. The name of this game is the human race. Now there’s something worth cheering about.
May your inner spark grow to light your way,
The Layman
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