Bad sports, good sports: Wifi-less in SoCal
Hi all. Sunday night finds me in Southern California with my family. We spent a few days in Los Angeles and are now at Disneyland. Unfortunately, the wifi at our hotel is not working this evening, so I find myself unable to deliver my usual keen insight and wit this week. You’ll have to get your sports news from a more traditional source for now. Try CBS (cbssports.com)…I’m not so fond of the folks at ESPN at the moment after they expended so much effort to sensationalize all the Penn State stuff this past year.
One quick sports note: we were at Huntington Beach today, spending a great day with our friends. We thought that beach would be a bit less crowded than the ones closer to L.A. proper, but we did not account for the fact that the U.S. Open of Surfing would be happening there today. Interesting sport, although it technically doesn’t count as a sport in my book because winners are determined by judges. I am not sure I could spend any real length of time watching it, but the athletes do some pretty impressive things on those boards.
Anyway, have a good week, and I hope to see you back here next Monday.
Bad sports, good sports appears every Monday.

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