Day 6 at Sea: A Variety of Experiences and Beers
Our sixth day at sea aboard Carnival Glory began with a wonderful dose of the unexpected, brought us to the Island of Grand Turk for a day full of EXACTLY what each and every one of us wanted to do, and ended with an appreciation for the many different interests of many different passengers, for how our ship and shore-based businesses cater to those interests … and for the variety of Caribbean beers and rums.
I’m an early riser, even when on vacation, and my luggage usually includes some reading material and a notebook computer, brought for use during those morning hours as I’m lingering over breakfast, and the rest of the family is catching up on one or two months’ worth of sack time lost while living and working ‘back there’ in the real world. Our cruise ship’s galley presents an incredible breakfast, served buffet style in the dining area. As light as a cup of coffee or a glass of juice, or as heavy as you want – with all the usual offerings, plus a few that may not have made it to menu, yet, at your favorite diner back home. There’s even a member of the crew wheeling a cart through the dining area, ready to mix and serve some ‘hair of the dog’ to those who may have over-imbibed the night before.
Meanwhile, the view out the window is another inducement to linger, a step – or seven! – up from what one usually sees out the window of that diner back home.
This morning’s offerings included an unexpected feast for the eyes … whales! During the last few miles into our port at Grand Turk, we were accompanied by a pod of humpbacks swimming parallel to our ship for a while. It’s not something I’d seen live before, and I was soaking it up. Usually on a cruise, my camera is permanently fixed to my shoulder … but I didn’t have it with me that morning … and I’m still kicking myself over that.
They went their way, I went mine, and it wasn’t long before it was time for us (the people) to go ashore …
… or not … it’s up to you. And the cruise line is ready to accommodate you. Sure, most of the passengers will take a chance to go ashore … but some don’t … and the ship’s selection of on-board services – food and drink, entertainment and activities, all of the above or none of the above – continues unabated, even while in port. And that’s fine … I can think of worse ways to spend your day than lounging in a deck chair, sipping something colorful from a tall glass with a little paper umbrella, cool breezes in your hair, enjoying a first-rate view of clear blue water and sea turtles, palm trees and colorful cottages, and incredibly white, pristine beaches with row after row of chairs lined up, waiting for us.
For those that go ashore, there are still a variety of options … you can remain in the small cruise village south of Cockburn Town where you come ashore, or enjoy a stroll down the beach to the legendary Jack’s Shack. You canhead into town, or venture further afield … on foot, by bus, by dune buggy, by boat, you name it. Today, we stayed close by, renting a cabana in a beautiful, almost park-like setting for the day … shaded by clusters of palm trees, close to paths and a large pool – or to that beach I mentioned, and an even larger ocean. There’s quiet, air conditioned comfort indoors for those who prefer, or you can enjoy a sit on the porch outside, and the music coming from the pool area. In either case, we also had room service from the Maragaritaville next door.
Maragaritaville has plenty of large, well-known American brands on tap or on the shelf. But they also serve local brands predominant in that area … which in this case turned out to be Turk’s Head Beer and Bambarra Rum. Had both, liked both, and planned to purchase some of both at the duty-free store on my way back to the ship.
You know, it won’t be all THAT long before I need to start thinking seriously about my senior years, and perhaps making the move to a retirement, assisted-living community … Grand Turk in general – and the cruise village at Cockburn Town in particular – would suit me just fine! Now, if I could just get Medicare to agree with me!
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