10. Her failed vice presidential candidacy and half-term as governor
9. Her ability to keep an eye on Russia from her house
8. The millions available to her, since the Tea Party is an extremely pro-Big Business movement financed by the billionaire Koch brothers and disguising itself as populist
7. If she doesn’t feel up to giving a State of the Union message, her ability to have Tina Fey substitute for her
6. Her eight-episode reality show Sarah Palin’s Alaska
5. Her keeping in touch with voters through tweets and a Facebook page – even though they were actually written by cyber ghostwriter Rebecca Mansour
4. Her launching a Facebook page under the name Lou Sarah, so she could praise the work of the fake Sarah Palin
3. Her ability to write her acceptance speech on her hand
2. As a Pentecostal, her belief in Armageddon as predicted in the Book of Revelations
1. As Commander-in-Chief, her ability to make sure Armageddon happens on schedule
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Tags: Bob Sullivan's top ten everything, politics & government by Bob Sullivan
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