The McRib is a food miracle
Posted on November 15th, 2011 by Ricky Sprague
The McRib is a miracle sandwich. It’s something delicious that is made from a bunch of seemingly non-delicious ingredients. This apparently bothers some people.
Some people are just never satisfied.
Ricky Sprague occasionally writes and/or draws things. He sometimes animates things. He has a Twitter account and he has a blog. He scripted this graphic novel about Kolchak The Night Stalker. He is really, really good at putting links in bios.
Latest posts by Ricky Sprague (Posts)
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- A common-sense approach to restoring economic prosperity - November 19, 2012
- New Philip K. Dick novel too absurd to be believed - September 17, 2012
- My 90 Days, 90 Reasons submission - September 12, 2012

Ricky, funny and soooo true … some people are NEVER satisfied. We have a saying out here … ‘some people will complain, even if you hung ’em with a shiny new piece of rope.’
(hoisting a McRib in your direction, in your honor)