Riding around in cars with drunk clowns
I’m not sure that any of them are left except in the careerist types who went to work for Republican causes like some folks went to work for General Motors, but the rational Republican who rode the Tea Party/Bush/Cheney clown car as a career choice has got to be having second thoughts.
Gone, Gone, Gone[youtube _JCcP-eeC6I nolink]
The news that the only rational person in the Republican field — Jon Huntsman — polled a 0% in the Value Voters thing was kind of amazing.Of course, he’s a Mormon, spells his name wrong if you check the Bible, and actually understands things like, oh, China, trade, economics, oil and has a serious character flaw on top of that. Jon Huntsman has refused to pander to the nutcases and nimrods. I find that admirable…why is this man still a Republican? Ron Paul and the Herminator were the big winners, with Paul winning in a Landslide while Cain came in second by 14 points. Between the two of them, they actually had a majority, 51%. Now, they’re both crazier than Daffy Duck on acid, but hell, at the moment they’re the leaders of this pack of bubble heads. Personally, I think the R’s need to draft Nikki Haley and either of the pinheads from Oklahoma, but a Paul-Cain ticket would bring clarity.
I was noticing that the junior Senator from Massachusetts was babbling about Elizabeth Warren questioning his appearing in Playgirl while he attended the school of hard knocks. Scott Warren went to Tufts, which is a small, private, elitest school in Boston. He then went to Boston College Law School, which is a an excellent litagator’s school and is private. Very expensive — both of them. Elizabeth Warren went to the University of Houston, which is a working person’s school with very low tuition at the time. She then went to Rutgers Law, a public university. On a scholarship. We need to take a deep breath and laugh loudly at Brown’s claim to be from the school of hard knocks. Remember, he drives a truck to haul his daughter’s horses around. He is a twit, a tool and a weasel. He fits in well in the rear seat of the clown car.
So, once again, I need to leave the last word to Monty…Our surrogate Everyman.
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