The Functional Zionist
The President addressed the UN yesterday to weak applause. None would publicly declare their love. If only I had been successful in getting my bathroom recognized as an Observer State years ago; I could have been present and, in Venezuelan-style, banged a pot with a wooden spoon drowning out the sarcastic-polite golf-clap that is the international kleptocrats’ gravest insult. The gunslingers and AM burpers who make daily claims to Zionism are unified in their disdain for the United Nations and the President. The endemic assumption is that international bodies, the President and the Democrats generally are pillars of a monolithic, Israel-bashing Left, and generally this is so. Yet we must recognize that in this instance Obama, with his pledge to veto Palestinian statehood, is squarely on the Zionist side of the field as his cool reception indicates. He may not like it, we cannot say, but he is there. Oh yes.
Cynicism abounds and in ordinary circumstances is the safest harbor but events so unlikely as to be nearly miracles are occurring all around us. This is one and due attention must be paid. To mention the obvious, that the Special Election in NY–9 has shown the Jewish vote to be up for grabs and on Zionist grounds, is pertinent but not sufficient. The Zionist question was no different from any other issue for Senator Obama. He applied to this his usual methods of making appropriate sounds to whatever audience he was booked for while maintaining ambiguity as a route of retreat. He turned back numberless if poorly manned counter-offenses by explaining that whatever you thought he said, he had not. Check the transcript. Wiggle-room was elevated to a strategic end rather than employed as a tactical means. This was a big part of his claim to political genius. You can imagine how the strategy staff meetings went; if only Kerry had not said this or that, if only McGovern had blurred the lines a bit, if only Clinton had not been nailed down…. well then, anything would be possible. Always it is tactical wrong-footing and PR mistakes that plague the Man of the Left. No other flaw can possibly be admitted.
But fudging is not forever. The New York race showed a broad crack of daylight between the President and the Democrats’ second most loyal and crucial electoral element. Yes, as the famous saying goes, Jews earn like Episcopalians but vote, most stubbornly, like Puerto Ricans. Henry Waxman, post NY-9, cites the oldest slur on the Jews, regretting that in the Special they revealed that they will vote to protect their fortunes. Presumably he means this is a foolish confusion; that there is NOT a serious threat to their nest-eggs from the Democrats or the President though he never does say so. But valid or not, it seems an unlikely driver. Would Hillary have been a lesser threat in that regard? Not by much but one thing Hillary, the Clinton Machine and the alleged centrist Democrats have been is at least practical on the subject of Zion.
Sure, Hillary and Bill have played footsie with Arafat but then so have they all, including Reagan. If Only has infected every President on this subject since the subject has existed. But somehow it only ever cuts one way; if only the jews would withdraw from here, if only the jews were absent there, then we would indeed have Peace in Our Time because at root the demands (and so they are) of the arab squatters who occupy so much of Israel illegally, violently and expansively are legitimate and reasonable. No one ever says, if only the Palestinians would stop murder and incitement they could have had their statelet thirty years ago! Why is this never said? We will have to choose that fudgiest of facebook options…. It’s complicated.
For the legitimate policy makers there is always one out: the Palestinians at large are not responsible for the rockets, bomb-belt attacks or knifing raids. Indeed both Fatah and Hamas reject violence. Reject violence, this is what the modern players claim. They base this daft assertion on few and timid expressions by Abbas and his opposites in Gaza, in english, that yes we agree with Concept 6a of this or that page in the pallet of rubbished agreements, accords and statements that follows the Mid-east Peace Medicine Show. When a family of six or eight is massacred in their beds with the clear collusion of the “authorities”, this is no more than ordinary crime; tragic but hey! How many people were stabbed in America last week? Rockets are regrettable, but this is rogue activity; kids really. Clear evidence that the rockets are made on advanced production lines in Iran is ignored (as it is in Iraq) and in any case NO evidence is considered weighty enough to expose Hamas, Hezbollah or other Shia terror cliques as an Iranian proxy. Fatah similarly is the duly elected government and any question of its independence or probity is, well, no more than Zionist Propaganda! None mention or recall that violent actions are openly fomented on the streets, in the mosques, in government publications and in the very SCHOOLS across the arab occupied territories. This is a daily fact that an occassional and highly conditional walk-back, in english, does nothing to dispel except that the anti-Zionists can make a claim that has media plausibility, silencing what murmurs they might hear from the Jews who object to their own genocide but are crippled by the burdensome prescriptions of pseudo-pacifism.
Behind these wan claims lurk the true anti-semitic elements; not a few of them ethnic Jews though they despise their religion as they do all such claptrap. These are the ones who truly yearn for the “oppressed” to rise, revolt and become the oppressors in their turn. These may be few but we cannot know. They do not answer frankly on this matter nor any other. As the President often claimed of the one real job in his experience, they operate as cloaked saboteurs behind enemy lines. Suicidal nihilism is not rare but what is the norm and truly amazing is the philosophical infatuation with If Only-ism. If only Netanyahu were assassinated and the Likudnics burned at the stake then all the dispossessed little peoples will love me, rather than hate me because I am, or my mom was, Jewish. If the secular humanist anti-Zionists can believe in miracles of such scope perhaps we could indulge such belief as well.
I think I saw a miracle on First Avenue in the President’s speech. Yestermonth the man was calling for a return of the Jews to their 1967 borders; a demand that, like all other elements of Lefty Orthodoxy had been raised to the level of Holy Truth. Of course the Palestinians original gripe is the displacement from the 1967 war. If Only the international community and the Honest Brokers would accede to that, even symbolically, the violence in the arab heart, which is minor, overblown and justified in any case; will be calmed. Appeased. The Chris Matthews of the world denounce this term as a slander of Naziism against those who seek peace but it is an english word clearly applicable. If it carries an odium it is from its own honest labor. Clearly the President’s speech in which he calls for a pullback to these indefensible and arbitrary lines on an obsolete map was a gasp of If Onlyism and on this subject it may prove to be his last.
At a ripe old age and in the highest office in the world Obama has finally realized the limits of If Only-ism. He gave policy life to one of the most precious bits of the academic marxists’ plan for a Perfect World and had it blow up in his face. We don’t refer here to his public, thorough and immediate spanking by Bibi Netanyahu (truly, a man for his time). Although that was unexpected by the President’s handlers on the grounds of the sacred pecking order, the sentiment was nothing they could not predict. What struck Barack even more solidly than Weprin’s defenestration in NY-9 was the response of the so-called Palestinians. What Obama has found, on this and many another topic, is that If Only-ism fails to anticipate many things; here that the Palestinians were NOT convinced to abandon their program of pogroms nor even to noticeably reign it in. The President has learned that cooperation with Israel is itself haram, or just treason to the secularists. This is not based on material or opportunistic concerns but is rather a first principle of the modern arab identity. If the Palestinians were to make common cause with the Jews under any circumstances they would then become the next thing to a Jew and this, dear friends, they dare not do. Since them doing what they cannot is necessary for the projections to come to fruition, the goalposts must be moved, not simply further back but to a different zip code. The new location is where Obama stood yesterday, to the disgust and astonishment of his team mates.
Now, whether he likes it or not, Barack Hussein Obama has become an outed Zionist. Moral persuasion has not effected this nor did that unsightly eruption of hard electoral fact. Like the soldier who finds he must advance or fall to the bullets from his own side, Obama has been driven to a conspicuous act of bravery. The old soldiers sometimes call this Functional Courage. Organization, planning and just the demonstrable realities of geometry are arranged to give the fool or even the cowardly fellow no practical choice but to become a hero. Such men do what needs doing, no matter that their knees quake or their eyes are so full of mud that they can’t see a thing. I bang my pot in celebration of our new hero. You should, too.
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