Ben Thompson, please take note: this fellow is hardcore
Do any of you follow the website Bad Ass of the Week.com, run by Ben Thompson? I’m an avid reader, catching his unique salute to “all things badassery-related” every week. His list is impressive, but it’s going to need to make room for a new member, a man whose story should be a lesson to all who read it: Cecil Coley. (h/t Glenn Reynolds).
I cannot, and will not attempt to, tell Mr. Coley’s story in a manner nearly as entertaining Mr. Thompson’s. What I do want to point out is simply a “case in point” moment for the pro-2nd Amendment crowd out there.
From the article:
Mr Coley, a well-known figure in the neighbourhood [of Manchester, England — MM] and a regular churchgoer, was playing dominoes with a friend after closing time when Mullings and three other armed men burst into the store and demanded the takings.
A struggle followed which ended with the 30-year old robber dropping his gun, before collapsing outside on the pavement with a stab wound to the chest. Mr Coley also received hospital treatment.
Manchester is in England, right? As in “the country which banned guns a decade ago”?
Wait a second… Would you look at that? 3 gun toting criminals attacked a law abiding senior citizen and all he had for defense was a small knife. It’s a good thing he was bad @$$ enough to beat the odds usually associated to taking a knife to a gun fight. I wonder how many other 72 year olds could say the same?
But Mr. Coley’s victory, and in my opinion, odds defying survival, didn’t come without cost.
“Mr Coley received a number of injuries, including a serious facial injury, and his friend was knocked unconscious…”
See, now this is what really chaps my ass. That man is injured, his friend who was struck unconscious possibly permanently injured, because they weren’t allowed to adequately defend themselves. In the article we’re told that some chump apparently released the following:
In a statement, prosecutors said “householders, shopkeepers and anyone going about their lawful day to day activities can be reassured that the law will protect them if they use reasonable force to protect themselves, their families and their property”.
Well, now, that’s evidently a big ol’ steaming pile of bull****. If the guy had been armed, he might very well have survived the encounter and not suffered those injuries! The fellow is 72 years old, he is approaching the age where those kinds of injuries just don’t heal very well, and the consequences of him getting beat up now are far, far worse than they were when he was 20. He’s simply fortunate enough to have 10 pound shot for testicles, because there are a lot of 72 year old people out there who wouldn’t recover from those injuries. If those individuals are not allowed to arm themselves, then you ARE denying them a reasonable right to protection of their lives, health, families, etc.
It’s uncivil and ridiculous to demand that a law abiding citizen who is being attacked resist just enough that they survive with horrific injury, while on the other hand, militarizing the police forces so “they can keep up with the criminals”. I want to see the advocates of such nonsense demonstrate the appropriate method of getting just barely beaten to death for the rest of us, the supposedly “unevolved ones” who can’t stop “over compensating for our genitalia” even though it means we won’t get beaten to a bloody pulp, so we can honestly claim that we know what is an acceptable level resistance and what is not acceptable.
Can you guys demonstrate how to most effectively take a stab wound to the face for me? Mr. Coley demonstrated it, but it wasn’t caught on tape or anything, so I don’t quite understand the mechanics of it… Any volunteers from the crowd? Anyone?
How about we all lay down our guns when criminals start letting us stab them with knives without retaliating?
tap… tap… tap…
Testing? Hey, is this thing on?
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