Screw civility in political discourse
So I’ve had a very hard time trying to write about politics for the last two weeks. The whole response to the Gifford’s shooting has really ticked me off. The left’s attacks on conservatives are, in my mind, an effort at the censorship of free political speech, and I don’t see the assault on a conservative’s right to say what he/she thinks coming to a stop anytime soon.
This upsets me because we have large problems to deal with in this country, problems like the nation’s debt, a struggling economy, the Federal Reserve dropping depth charges on the value of the dollar, why, I could write for a month solid on all the things we’re not getting done because we’re having to defend ourselves against trumped up accusations of murder.
I think the best piece I’ve read so far on the subject comes from Don Surber at Daily Mail.com, which I found thanks to Glenn Reynolds’ Instapundit.com. It’s entitled “I do not want civil discourse”.
From Mr. Surber’s piece:
For a decade, from the election of Bush 43 forward, the Left has lied and cheated as it tried to return to power. Al Gore made a mockery out of the American electoral system by being a spoilsport over Florida, which Bush indeed won by 537 votes. Dan Rather forged a document to try to derail Bush’s re-election. Twice Democrats stole U.S. senators from the Republicans. After voting to support the war to get by the 2002 election, many Democrats quickly soured on the war. The profane protests were cheered by liberals who misattributed “dissent is the highest form of patriotism” to Thomas Jefferson; the words belong to the late historian Howard Zinn.
Once in power, liberals were the opposite of gracious.
For two years now, I have been called ignorant, racist, angry and violent by the left. The very foul-mouthed protesters of Bush dare to now label my words as “hate speech.”
Damn straight, Mr. Surber! Right on, right on, right on! Tell it like it is!
Liberals worship government power. Conservatives stand between them and that power. The more liberals hunger for authority and control over us, the worse the attacks, smears, and hate-mongering will get.
If you think the rhetoric from the left is angry and violent now, just wait until the GOP begins making budget cuts. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant they are (which is all we’re going to get out of the boys and girls in DC), the left will view, and try to portray, each and every single one of them as the political equivalent of waterboarding the American public.
It doesn’t matter that the fact is that we can’t afford the spending, because facts don’t matter to these people.
How can you have a civil discourse with people who ignore reality in favor of their own biased, fabricated story line?
Why be civil with people who don’t care about the facts? Why go the extra lengths to be polite to someone who doesn’t care what you have to say, nor what proof you have of your claims?
The left is holding their own kangaroo court of public opinion and any real defense of their targets will not be tolerated.
Any solution that isn’t their solution will be propped up as “Anti-someone“, and the person who proposes it will be a fear monger, a merchant of hate, an extremist, so on and so forth, yada yada yada…
Fixing the budget is not ideological. It’s mandated by REALITY. AND MATH. It has nothing to do with left vs right, team red v team blue. It is a simple, undeniable fact of existence: You cannot spend more money than you bring in.
There is no “debate” here, there is nothing to debate. There is no arguing with the truth, but that is what liberals want to do.
Fact: We spend too much money and cannot keep up with our current entitlements, much less add new ones.
Fact: Our debt is about to exceed what we can produce in a year.
Fact: Credit ratings agencies have been warning us for years that we’re risking a devaluation of our credit rating, and a massive increase in interest costs on our existing debt, if we don’t change things.
Fact: Due to the extremely high taxes and regulatory costs here in the US, businesses are fleeing to other countries and taking jobs with them as they go. Or they’re just hanging “For sale” signs on the windows and closing up shop.
These are not things which cannot be debated. The solutions to these problems will hurt some segment of the population that has come to absolutely depend upon government providing for them 100% of the time, but getting into a debate about what will happen to these people if we don’t drown ourselves in debt is a debate over the left’s favorite strawman argument.
The 80% of us who aren’t in poverty don’t owe anyone anything. We are not required to sacrifice ourselves, our liberty, and our country for the bottom 20%, no matter how badly the liberals try to make you feel about yourself when you point that out.
We are not slaves to the need of a small minority. We are free people, and should be allowed to lead our lives in whatever way we think is best, as long as we harm no other.
But hey, waste your time trying to find compromise with people who will brand you a monster, and accuse you of murder, for not marching lockstep with them off the cliff of financial doom…
The Loughner shooting was just the latest example of how the left jumps the gun on everything, and develops their beliefs without facts.
Global Warming, the Oil Spill was going to kill 9 million miles of coast line and 75% of all the fish in the sea, the trillions we’re going to spend on Obamacare is supposed to cut the deficit while not spending all of that money will make it balloon. The entire world, from Russia to Europe to South America, to the good ol’ US of A is collapsing under the weight of liberal economic policies, but despite the evidence from all over the world, they STILL refuse to acknowledge reality.
It’s easier to call us murderers, hate mongers, racists, bigots, and homophobes than it is to admit that they’re wrong.
Even more enraging was the call from the same smear machine for us to “put this behind us and get on with the job of running the country” right after Obama told them that conservatives didn’t cause the shooting with their speech.
Excuse me? You’re the ones who started it! If you pick a bar fight and begin getting your ass kicked because you messed with the wrong guy, you have lost the ability to call a truce and walk away anytime you suddenly feel like it. It doesn’t work that way. He determines when you’re done getting your ass kicked.
Until we get our fiscal house in order, all other topics should be secondary, but that didn’t slow the left down one iota three hours after the shooting in Arizona. At that time, it was appropriate to re-enact the Night of Long Knives, not discuss how we were going to fix our problems. For the liberals, the entire world is falling apart around them. Liberal utopias are collapsing all over Europe, our government is dying under the strain of keeping up our massive social entitlement programs, and yet if one of us even speaks of cutting Medicare or Medicaid, why, we’re calling for old people and poor children to be allowed to die in the streets and that “rhetoric” is causing mentally unstable people to go on murderous shooting rampages…
The problem is that we’re out of money and can’t afford to spend more, nor continue to keep on paying the ridiculous entitlements and DoD spending we’ve already got on the books. If we don’t have a functioning government, there won’t be any debate over drug legalization, abortion, gays in the military, etc. But we’re supposed to stay away from topics like that because it makes some people feel threatened, because it makes some people feel like the conservatives are out to get them?
So we need to stop talking about those items to protect those people’s feelings? For the purpose of keeping the discourse “civil”? Like it was way back two years ago when Bush was President? All to keep the liberals from saying that we hate black people, poor people, Hispanic people, old people, children, and whatever other “oppressed” group they can think up to say we hate?
That’s crazy too.
These people are staring at a world that is in the process of demonstrating to them that their dreams and visions are retarded and don’t work. They still refuse to acknowledge it. And as along as they have any power, this country is going no where but the trash heap of history.
Why, again, should I be civil with these nutcases? Why should I seek to compromise with them? Why should I seek to make them feel like they’re legitimately my American brothers and sisters?
My sister never accused me of being an accessory to murder because she thought my language was hateful, then immediately turned around called me a Nazi on the floor of the House of Representatives, nor say that I’m toting a swastika around because I didn’t want to see Obamacare pass, nor slap the term “denier” on me like I’m some genocidal mad man because I think we should have more than just 30 year’s worth of concrete temperature data before we upend the entire world’s economic system.
I do not want to be civil with these people. I don’t want to be nice to them. I don’t want to get along with them. I don’t want to see them at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I want to kick their asses from the east coast to the west coast, and all the way back again. I want to see them lose every election for the rest of my life. I want their opinions and ideas, which have been proven to be wrong and lead to disaster every time they’ve been tried, laughed out of the public discourse and scorn thrown upon the morons who espouse them.
I certainly won’t be saying “Please”, “Thank you”, or “How does that make you feel” to people who just got done falsely accusing me of being an accessory to murder.
Latest posts by Mike McGowan (Posts)
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Ironically, much of the spending that has put us in our current predicament (which seems like a wholly inadequate word) is due to social policies put in place by politicians (mainly liberal, but of all stripes ultimately) who were doing the right thing, being “nice”, compassionate, caring, etc., etc. Odd how quickly compassionate and caring turns to finger-pointing and name-calling.
The people who are paying the bills, but not also qualifying for the benefit payouts, have never seen it as “compassionate and caring”.