Jury Duty Cat: The Joke Writes Itself
So, a cat in Boston has been summoned for jury duty and the court has ruled that he must attend.
In case you missed that or don’t understand, I said that a CAT
has been called in to JURY DUTY
and the court has stated that he MUST ATTEND.
The Esposito household put Sal the cat down on their census, stating that he is (here’s the shocker) a family pet.
She wrote that Sal was ‘unable to speak and understand English’ – and included a letter from her vet saying that the animal was a ‘domestic short-haired neutered feline’ … However, jurors are ‘not expected’ to have a perfect command of the English language … The other exemptions did not apply because Sal was not ill, too old or a convicted felon.
He may not be a convicted felon, but he’s a confirmed feline! amidoingthisrite?
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