It’s bottom of the ninth, Congress, and you’re up to bat
The lame duck Congress took flight last week. Man, it’s going to be hard for the country to soar with the eagles if it has to flutter with this bunch of turkeys. To be fair, some of the big players are promising title fights between now and Christmas. Let’s hold back judgment on this bit of trash talk as we review two important measures they took up since the election. Oh, they were busy, alright. Critical legislation hit the floor to honor Penn State’s Joe Paterno and Yankees announcer Bob Shepperd. Holy Toledo! The government means business!
No matter the bragging and chest beating, judging by the record there’s hardly an adult in Congress or the White House. The previous Congress spent more than a trillion dollars it didn’t have. The President inked the deal with his proud as a peacock smile, touting job creation, healthcare for all, and deficit reduction. What? Yeah, we’re going to spend a trillion extra and end up out of debt. Please, spare me.
Congress comes back to town extolling their day of reckoning with the voters and promptly honors the message with recognition for who? Oh, that’s right, Paterno and Shepperd. Nothing against these sports heroes, but the nation happens to be facing some rather tough odds. Think fourth and ten with two minutes on the clock and you’re down by eight. Or, bottom of the ninth, two outs, and two strikes. Trust us, Congress and the President continually say. We mean business this time. We’re getting to work. Wow, if that’s putting their noses to the grindstone, wait to see what happens next year. It’ll be sunshine and lollipops for all!
And there’s the continuing rub that has turned into a wicked blister. For all the contrition voiced about the elections, all the congresspersons on bended knee begging forgiveness and votes, there is zero reason to believe they’re actually going to live up to the advertising. They could have come back to Washington and acted like mature adults by exposing the mistakes of the past, promptly cutting budgets, payrolls, and taxes. Instead, they play doctor feel good. Who’s kidding who?
To be sure, there will be a new congress come January. It’s supposed to be a doozy. Budget cuts are all the rage from this gang. Don’t hold your breath. Already the sounds of back doors closing on the deal-rooms of DC are echoing down K Street. It’ll be compromise “for the good of the people.” Translation: the people are screwed again by a bunch of teenagers who can’t tell mom and dad they got drunk, crashed the car, and are walking home in the rain. Better to lie, cheat, and steal. It worked the last time.
The American people continue to be the butt of the political joke and it’s their own fault. Politicians aren’t going to get the message until some serious action makes the papers and the prime-time shows. For example, all those business people making more than $250,000 per year might consider shutting down for a couple of weeks to demonstrate that they’re as equal as anyone else under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Or, the country’s medical professionals might take a month or two off to remind everyone they’re not slaves to the bureaucrats. Barring something like these two possibilities, the politicians will continue to suck the blood of the nation, all the while yakking about fairness, helping those who need it most, and halting our rapid decline.
If you believe that one, I have a toll booth for rent on the other side of the Potomac. Sorry, cash only.
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