Marty Digs: Dunkin Donuts hash browns
Ladies and gentlemen, as we dig into a new Marty Digs posting, I am asking you to excuse me. My son Jack and I had the weekend together as mommy away doing another running race. Jack decided he didn’t want to sleep much this weekend, which culminated in coming home from the Eagles game last night at 1am and finding him wide awake at home. If there was a way to slur speech via typing, I am probably going to do it today.
This week I am digging Dunkin’ Donuts hash browns. As a full blooded Irish fellow (I can trace all ancestors back to Ireland on both mom and dad’s side), from a full blooded Irish family, the potato is celebrated in the O’Connor household. Just like drunken sincerity, self — depracating humor, and sunburned skin. From age 0 to the present, a potato is a part of the meal 85% of the time. And one of my favorite forms of potato is in the hash brown form. I would have never believed you if you told me, but Dunkin Donuts has some delicious hash browns. They are eighty cents for about 7 or 8 of them, and are wonderful, tasty, not too greasy little packages. Which amazes me, because I am sure they are just right out of a frozen bag and dumped in a deep fryer or toaster of some sort. I almost equate it to getting a steak at Applebee’s, because I wouldn’t expect much. But really, they are among the tasties of hash browns I have ever had. And boy did they come in handy this morning, as my sleepless, hungover, unshaven, and unkempt ass trotted into the double D this morning. Thank you Dunkin Donuts, your delectable little rounds of fried potato made this stereotypical Irish dude very happy this morning.
Latest posts by Marty O'Connor (Posts)
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