National Opt-Out Day
The People have finally found their limit, the line that they are not willing to cross in order to be safe from terror or danger and that limited line is the new Transportation Security Administration’s use of Body Scanners and policy of Pat-Downs that seem more like Feel-Ups.
Big Brother can record our conversations, monitor our media and lead us into war under false pretenses, but they cannot feel up our junk or snicker at and/or spankbank our nude forms. We’re a proud people, with civil liberties that our fore-parents died for, but more importantly, we’re a little shy. Our mix of Puritanical heritage and the ignominious honor of being the most obese people the world has ever known, means that these new measures of using scanners that create naked images of people and pat downs that are now more invasive with less patting and more rubbing, go far past our acceptable levels of government intrusion. I wish this were just about Civil Liberties and concern over radiation levels, and I’m sure these will be the public arguments, but in fact this is as much about the “Terror” of being judged by one’s peers, as the Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana movement is about people wanting to wake and bake. But regardless of the reason, I am in full support of people retaining their civil liberties here in the “Land of the Free”. Note that the Pilot unions at American and US Airways have urged their members to skip the scanners, and a flight attendants’ union in Arizona is urging the same. The Right To Privacy has been trampled, and shame will be used to further break down the Sheeple. To ask to see us naked and irradiated and still make us take off our shoes is just too much degradation to stomach I say. If we opt out of the body scanner, we have to be felt up and rubbed down and we don’t even have the option of getting a screener of the opposite sex, which would really take away the sting for some of us. It’s like Janet Napolitono has some sort of gay/reluctance/power fantasy we’re all playing out for her. If they allow this, what’s next? Security collars to wear during the flight? How about a bag over our heads? Crazy leap you say? Well maybe I’m Glenn Becking it a little, but the real point is that this does not make us any safer. It’s security theater meant to make most people feel safe and to profit the makers of Body Scanners and the TSA. We still have not adopted the methods of the Israelis who have the best record of security, working in the biggest bullseye in the world. They use intelligence, non-racial profiling and interviews. These new measures were not what stopped previous attempts at terrorism in the US or abroad. Independent security experts say there are blaringly large holes in the system and these new policies don’t fix them. So I say bravo to the people who are fighting against this. One such person who’s had enough and just won’t take it anymore is Brian Sondegren, who has called for a National opt-Out Day on November 24th, the day before Thanksgiving. Passengers flying that day are urged to refuse the body scanners, most likely causing a clogging in the security lines and possibly dominoing into a clogging of the airways themselves. You can read all about it at OptOutDay.com, which also has links to some of the abuses the TSA has imposed on people and the resistance movement that is growing against these policies.
November 24th is a mad-house day to travel as it is. The TSA is freaking out and even claiming that there is an increased risk of terrorism due to the possible actions on Opt-Out Day. Most Sheeple on lines will want to move things along as fast as possible, but if even a small percent of people choose to clog up the system by refusing to use body scanners, by refusing to allow strangers to rub their breasts and genitalia, it will be a political act that could have major consequences.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Latest posts by David Alfreds (Posts)
- National Opt-Out Day - November 16, 2010
- Chung CHUNG: The death of Law & Order - May 15, 2010
- Thoughts on Lyoto Machida vs Mauricio “Shogun” Rua - May 8, 2010
- I think I know who the Times Square Bomber is! (kind of) - May 2, 2010
- Cinema this week: The worst movie ever - June 12, 2009

In a conversation about this subject, a supporter asked me if I want my family getting on a plane with a terrorist because I was upset at people seeing my blurry naked body.
That’s perfectly rational I guess. Until you realize that there have been 75 hijackings of aircraft across the entire globe since 1950. There are roughly 30,000 flights over the USA alone every single day. With the already thorough post-9/11 screening process of x-raying my shoes, belt, restricting what I can bring on the plane, metal detectors, undercover air marshals, and wary passengers there have been zero successful attacks in the last nine years. The last nine years, keep in mind, where we have been told we are in the most danger.
My mind has trouble processing how small the odds are. 75 planes across the globe since 1950…versus 30,000 flights across the USA every day.
Here’s an idea. If someone’s only train of thought is safety and security and making sure that the screening process is 100% thorough, let’s do away with pretenses or any margin of error. Bust out the shackles, the stomach pumps, the mandatory spandex body suits, and the laxatives. If you want to fly on a plane you must show up wearing a skin-tight suit, you must have an emptied stomach, you must take a shit, and then you must be back-scattered AND patted down. Then, just to be 100% sure, you will spend the entire flight chained to the floor. Don’t worry, the restraints are designed for comfort. You will have a feed bag in order to enjoy the food, and you can spend the entire flight safe, secure, and care-free.
Does that sound crazy? Because I think getting bombarded with radiation and/or getting felt up sounds crazy. Where is the line drawn?
Make Obama get his junk felt up and his kids radiated every time he decides to go on vacation on “our” plane. He does not own the damn thing we do. Better yet have him feel up Nancy Pelosi and Napalitano every time they fly. Homeland security with a wide open Southern border= joke. Terrorists will soon give up on the airplane and start going after crowded malls and sporting events, just like they do in the middle east. Times square was the first attempt at targeting crowded areas… sadly it will not be the last. Any fool can se this, but it is easier to feel up some young guys junk and check out the women with no clothes on.