“Tweets” offer some perspective on rapper’s release
Maybe I’m demonstrating my social media savvy … or maybe it’s something not-so-great that I’m demonstrating. Either way, when I sign-off from my Twitter account, I stay in front of the computer a few minutes longer, to watch their rotator of current tweets on a variety of trending topics.
I know, I KNOW … I could be reading books and magazines, surfing the web, or even – gasp! – getting out and talking to people. But there I am, nonetheless, parked in my chair and soaking up someone else’s virtual wisdom, 140 characters at a time. Today, there’s more than a lil discussion of Lil Wayne.
Earlier today, the headlines started sharing the news …
Rap star Lil Wayne released from NYC jail
NEW YORK (AP) — Lil Wayne has been freed from jail after serving eight months in a gun case, emerging with a hot new album, well-wishes from a former president and a deepened appreciation for his fans. The city’s Department of Correction website said Thursday the Grammy Award-winning rap star had been released from the Rikers Island jail complex. CLICK HERE for the rest of the AP story
“FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!” the rapper’s longtime manager, Cortez Bryant, Tweeted Thursday morning. And A LOT of the rapper’s fans have been tweeting their love right back. But, at the same time, some are tweeting a different tune … one that caught my attention.
sammyjay77African Americans tweeitng hard about lil #Wayne Released after gun crime but didn’t tweet this hard about voting on Tuesday. Amusing!
DontezGripnemIf as many ppl that’s excited about weezy coming home was excited about voting the other day, maybe the republicans wouldn’t be in office.
Adri_ManeYou should be more excited about whats going on in the government than about Lil Wayne getting out of Jail. He aint helping you survive.
YourFavWhiteGuyNo blacks at the voting polls and every black celebrating Weezy’s release at Rikers. Do I even need to add a punchline to this?
MrMason251Black people care more about a rapper being released than Voting. Let’s see if Wayne pays for your Healthcare. #welcomehomeweezy
I seem to find myself in a smaller and smaller minority – I enjoy some coverage of entertainers and their work, as much as the next guy. But there are times when I find myself saying, “enough already!” I don’t need round-the-clock television networks devoted to entertainment news, I don’t need an intense panel discussion of why a celebrity did – or did not – do whatever is being trumpeted in the tabloids. And I can’t help but think there are bigger stories going on around the world.
Back to those tweets … one can say a lot, even when confined to just 140 characters – and I’ve gained a lot of respect for the ability of some to say a lot with a little. And while those who specialize in composing headlines and sub-headers for newspapers may no longer be in such great demand, there is a place for them in social media such as Twitter.
On a related note … while watching that rotator, something I saw on NUMEROUS occasions was a retweet of “Open google maps, get directions from Japan to China, and skip to the 43rd step.” So, I finally did … it WAS pretty funny.
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