Future Library of America volumes
According to their website,
The Library of America was founded in 1979 to undertake a historic endeavor: to help preserve the nation’s cultural heritage by publishing America’s best and most significant writing in durable and authoritative editions.
To that end, they have been publishing volumes featuring the works of people like John Steinbeck, Dashiell Hammett, Herman Melville, Robert Frost, William Faulkner, etc. But what about future editions?
100 years from now, what will the Library of America deem to be worth preserving?
I’m pretty sure I know.
Here is a look at the covers of some future Library of America editions:
Future generations have some great reading to look forward to! Lucky them!
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This was genius. I had a heart attack when I scrolled down an saw Snooki scrawled on that distinctive cover.
On the other hand, they’re already basing sitcoms off tweeters. I’m sure they could swing a 90 page anthology.
OMG LOL. But what about the Collected Speeches and Interviews of Sarah Palin?
Jordan is Britain’s answer to Daisy de la Hoya. She’s also one of Britain’s best selling novelist.
Jane Austen’s been dead a long time now.
The reference to Sarah Palin was predictable and , therefore, not funny. An element of surprise is necessary to tickle the ole funny bone.
I love this, especially the Franco, but Shatner is technically a Canadian and thus not eligible for a LOA volume.
I hope you know that when you Google library of america, and it brings up a link to the official website, your snooki image is the one that it displays next to it. Made my day.
I see this is an older post (2010), which explains why there’s no 2-volume edition of the Collected Kardashians included.
Otherwise, this is great! Well done.