The military gives the finger to the courts
As I’m sure many of you have heard, the courts have ruled that the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy is unconstitutional. In a move which can be both a relief (Someone finally stood up to activist judges!) and a nightmare (Is the military really above the law?), the Pentagon told the country that they can just bugger off.
From the above:
The military will not reinstate any gay service members discharged under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy despite a judge’s ruling last week that the policy is unconstitutional, the Pentagon said Monday.
Though the ruling gave a boost to gay rights activists trying to overturn the policy via Congress and the courts, a Pentagon spokeswoman said the decision has no bearing on military policy.
What really just happened? What is the underlying truth we’re being exposed to here?
The Court: “That’s unconstitutional!!!”
The Military: “Our soldiers trade all kinds of constitutional liberties for the ability to kill others with a legal sanction, and in defense of our country. And since we are the gun by which the Government ultimately enforces the law, we believe that you can kiss our @$$.”
That’s right, folks. The Government does everything through force, it’s the power of the gun. Your only choice as a citizen is to comply with the law or face death as a consequence (They can and will shoot you for excessive resisting of arrest).
The military is the gun which the Government ultimately uses to enforce the laws of the land. They have performed this role through out our history, from the Civil War to the Little Rock 9. They are the muscle the Government flexes when it wants to get something done.
The Government has a monopoly on force, and the military is the physical representation of that monopoly.
It’s like reading some of the old sci-fi/fantasy books where villains create a robot, or summon a demon, that they ultimately can’t control. I’m interested to see how the courts can force them to comply, because unlike the stories, they don’t have the weapons and they can’t summon down fire from the heavens, or splash on some holy water, and have the problem fix itself. What are they going to do, send in the National Guard?
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LOL … “bugger off”