This week I am digging The Lemonheads and the work of Shane Meadows.
I have and will always love The Lemonheads album It’s A Shame About Ray. Came out in 1992 and yet I still listen to it on an almost weekly basis. It was a simpler time then — Kurt Cobain was still alive, mix tapes were literally cassettes, and the only person I knew with a cellphone was Zach Morris. Every song on the album is so good, and it brings me back to my days of stressing over girls and being almost solely responsible for keeping Oxy Cream’s stock up. Ahh, my teenage years!
I am also digging the work of Shane Meadows. He is a British filmmaker who has made movies a lot of people this side of the pond have never heard of but need to see. This Is England and Dead Man’s Shoes are two of my favorites. Both very powerful and emotionally attaching films. This weekend I am about to sink my teeth into Once Upon A Time in the Midlands. He has a fun side too, and did a movie called Le Donk and Scor-zay-zee which is sort of a mockumentary similar to Spinal Tap. Cannot wait to see that!
I am ditching the PATCO New JerseyPennslyvania Rail Service. This morning I was stuck on a train on the Ben Franklin Bridge for two hours. I would much rather sit in traffic every day and smash my face into the steering wheel than be stuck on a hot uncomfortable train that I have no control over.
Latest posts by Marty O'Connor (Posts)
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