First they came for the bath water
Congressdude James Oberstar, whose last name in German I think means either “superstar” or “cow dung” is trying to amend the Clean Water Act, which allows the EPA to regulate navigable waterways; that is, places through which boats can pass. Oberstar wants to get rid of that inconvenient “navigable” part, which will allow the EPA to regulate any and all bodies of water.
Which would include pools. And bath water. And perhaps even that perspiration forming underneath your arms.
Of course, expanded government regulation of water is necessary. What if Junior were to pee-pee in his kiddie pool? That could be hazardous! The federal government must take action — even if it means studying that pool water for a year a two. Even if it means confiscating Junior.
Which will be pretty easy if Junior happens to live in Arizona and is without his citizenship papers.
But I’m getting a little off-topic.
The federal government could soon have — if not ownership — than effective control over just about everything.
Yes, the government could soon come and check your water. In more ways than one. And they can tell you what to do with it. And they can even take it away from you.
By the way, guess what’s 62% water? I’ll give you a little hint: it’s you.
No need to worry, though. The government would never do anything bad. They’d never abuse their power.
Say it: “The government would never abuse their power.”
Go ahead, I’ll wait . . .
Couldn’t say it with a straight face, could you?
But I suggest you try when you say it to the EPA when they come knock-knock-knocking on your front door.
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