I am currently digging Say Anything and Whiskey Militia
I am currently digging Say Anything — the 1989 Cameron Crowe movie starring John Cusack. If you live under a rock and never saw it, surely you have seen the image of Cusack holding the boombox over his head. Cusack stars as Lloyd Dobler, the most unrealistically cool, laid back, and interesting teenage boy that ever lived. Since I was the heavyweight champion of having crushes on girls in high school, it’s good to see that Lloyd gets the girl. But beyond all that — the soundtrack is ridiculous. Cameron Crowe never goes wrong — Singles is in my opinion the best movie soundtrack ever, and even Elizabethtown is a rather legit soundtrack. I have been driving my girlfriend insane with all my Say Anything references and recently serenaded her Cusack-style and adapted to the times by holding my ipod over my head. She didn’t think it was as funny as I did.
I am currently digging Whiskey Militia. It’s a website that sells one product at a time — surf and skate clothes, skateboards, accessories, sunglasses, you name it. And the prices are dirt cheap! I bought a nice pair of Dragon sunglasses that normally go for around 100 dollars for 20 bucks! It is also a great resource for summer clothes. Since I am 34 going on 16, I guess I feel the need to also dress 16 and this is a cheap and easy place to get clothes for that because they are insanely overpriced in the mall.
But this week I am ditching, and about to lose my mind, over Obamacare posts on facebook. Whether you are for it, or against it, I’m sick of it, no pun intended. I don’t really know about it all, and my only opinion I feel strongly about is that a child should be able to have health care regardless of the parent’s situation. Some of these people are outrageously heartless with their posts — some are outlandishly ignorant. Right now my biggest concern is that my town now has a Cricket and PCS Mobile store — the biggest telltale sign you live in a dumpy area.
Latest posts by Marty O'Connor (Posts)
- MartyDigs: Ireland Part Two - September 20, 2011
- MartyDigs- My Ireland Trip 1997 (part one) - September 12, 2011
- MartyDigs: Shore Enough - August 22, 2011
- MartyDigs: West Beverly High - August 8, 2011
- MartyDigs: Summer Pop Music - July 25, 2011

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