A guessing game, featuring French ‘philosopher’ Bernard Henri-Levy and ?
Which modern day martyr do you think Huffington Post contributor and ‘philosopher’ Bernard Henri-Levy is talking about here?
“Nothing will repair the days he has spent in prison. Nothing will erase the immense, unbelievable injustice he has been subjected to. Nothing will take away the hysteria of those ones who have never stopped pouring contempt upon him, hounding him through hatred and asking for his punishment as if we were living the darkest and most ferocious hours of the McCarthy era all over again. At least the nightmare is about to end. At least the end of the hell is looming. And this, for the time being, is what does matter.”
One of the brave protesters languishing in an Iranian jail, perhaps? Perhaps Kian Tajbakhsh, the Iranian-American scholar who has been detained by the theocracy without access to an independent lawyer since July 9, 2009? No, can’t be him — the end of his hell isn’t looming. It’s just heating up.
Maybe Jian Tianyong, the Chinese human rights lawyer currently under intense scrutiny from the communist government? Nope — AFP reports that Obama declined to raise the issue publicly with Hu Jintao on his recent visit, preferring to whisper sweet nothings about ‘rights’ in his ear in private, possibly tickling him under the chin as he did so. So Tianyong is still screwed, with no end to his hell in sight either.
I don’t know — is there some brave Russian dissident we haven’t heard about, losing his hair and teeth on a radioactive prison camp way out east? Maybe an Uzbek Muslim detained in Islam Karimov’s reopened gulag? Possibly some bold Burmese fighter for justice, who has stood up to his vicious thug rulers?
Nope. I’ll give you a clue, although you’re probably way ahead of me here. Think ‘McCarthy’. Think: wicked America, evil, puritanical Americans. Bad, bad Americans!
But you knew already, didn’t you? Well, well, well. BHL — what a complete and utter dickhead!
Now excuse me, I must go and saw my own head off.
Hat tip: John Nolte
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Excuse me, I’m just off to rape a child and see if I can get a paean written for me in the Huffington Post.
Agreed. BHL’s essay is ridiculous and sickening.
This certainly doesn’t help the intelligentsia to win any more hearts and minds.
M. Bruzalski,
Hold on, FIRST you have to make a bunch of movies that the left-wing intelligentsia fawn over.
THEN you get access to unlimited rape credits.
I’ve seen most of Polanski’s movies. He’s a highly competent director with a good eye, but nothing artistically — or intellectually — groundbreaking. Can somebody explain to me what is the big fucking deal about his art? I could maybe understand sacrificing underage virgins (even if they are, technically, not) on the altar of, I dunno know, uh, Kurosawa? Fellini? – but why Polanski? Is it The Pianist? You make a movie that says Holocaust was bad, you’re golden? At least in Lévy’s book? That’s it, isn’t it?
P.S. Please don’t anybody go off on a tangent arguing whether Kurosawa or Fellini are all that great — I just used the first names that popped into my head and won’t defend their greatness. I don’t care very much for either.
What is it with these slime-ball leftists (Redundancy Alert!!) that they can’t seem to remember that this asshole pedophile repeatedly RAPED a THIRTEEN year old child, then confessed to it, thinking he’d get off with a slap on the wrist? He is guilty of raping a child. I’ve had this argument with a couple of now former libtard friends, having to point this out until they totally lost patience with my backward, mouth breather attitude that it is not just poor form, it is a heinous crime to rape children and anyone who thinks otherwise is not fit company for civilized people.
Jericho- his entire reputation rests on Rosemary’s Baby and Chinatown the last of which was made over 30 years ago, and still isn’t a license for rape IMHO. As for Bitter Moon and the Fearless Vampire Whatever, I’d rather watch Commando again. With the sound down, of course and while listening to heavy metal.
Come on guys! It wasn’t rape-rape ask the Whooper
What is it about Rosemary’s Baby and Chinatown that should make the intellectual Left fall all over themselves pronouncing him an Artiste? They were well done. Quite adequate indeed. Not the least bit better than many other movies of that era, whose directors didn’t rape anyone that we know of.
I’d rather stick bamboo skewers up my nose than see Bitter Moon ever again, although I’ve never seen the Fearless Vampire Hunters — perhaps that was it.
I suspect it’s the downer endings. Y’know, that’s very revolutionary and ‘anti-Hollywood’ etc etc. Although I always found the HAIL SATAN! stuff at the end of R’s B laugh out loud funny myself….
We are never going to be able to truly communicate with BHL and his audience. The gulf between our value systems cannot be bridged. This is because leftists/liberals build their belief system by making a list of everything that we in the US call “Flyover Country” and taking the opposite side. If all of Flyover Country ever comes around to their way of thinking, I am convinced they will find some belief system that will preserve their status as Intelligentsia. Any belief that is held by the masses is automatically suspect to them – yet they often present their beliefs as “mainstream.” When illogic becomes acceptable, as it has for the Left, it becomes hard to predict outcomes.
Curses! Foiled again. You’ve winkled out our dirty little secret. Those of us who actually live in “Flyover Country” — who constitute the vast majority of “leftists/liberals” — get together in covens every now and then to update the “value system” that our Masters on the two coasts determine should be opposed of. Nyah-ha-ha-ha!
Always at the top of the list, however, is to be the opposite of the unhinged looniness exemplified by the postings above this. Talk about delusional. There is no conspiracy imaginable that right-wingers won’t hug to their bosom.
Curses! Foiled again. You’ve winkled out our dirty little secret. Those of us who actually live in “Flyover Country” — who constitute the vast majority of “leftists/liberals” — get together in covens every now and then to update the “value system” that our Masters on the two coasts determine should be opposed. Nyah-ha-ha-ha!
Always at the top of the list, however, is to be the opposite of the unhinged looniness exemplified by the postings above this. Talk about delusional. There is no conspiracy imaginable that right-wingers won’t hug to their bosom.
Scotto, I think you’re on to something. Preserving the status of the intelligentsia – there’s a lot of emotional investment in that, to defend tooth and claw. To mute the black and white into gray a little bit, though, I’ve had a great deal of respect for Lévy over the years, but I’m not committed to swallowing everything he dishes out, and in this case, he’s way off the deep end. Really, the only celebrity/artist I like in this whole ugly mess is Luc Besson.
Daniel, downer endings as proof of artistic superiority. Of course. Doh!
Daniel nice post.
Well known fact that Huffpo editors won’t post opinions that they don’t agree with.
Arianna’s probably afraid she won’t get invited to all of the celebrity sleeze parties and euro smug soirees. Which I guess explains why they are too busy to follow up on any of the names you mentioned.
But of course they are happy to post Levys insane love sonnet to a pedo-rapist?
Lest we forget: Arianna has always been first and foremost a socialite. Her foray into journalism and punditry is just a lark that lets her rub elbows with the “intellectual crowd.” Remember when Tina Brown was the editor of The New Yorker? Same degree of ridiculousness.
Henri-Levy is the biggest asshole to come down the HuffPo pike in some time.
A female friend recently put Polanski’s shenanigans in the proper context for me. She pointed out that, if there are 18-year-old boys rotting in jail for bogus “statutory rape” crimes against their 17-year-old girlfriends, then RoPo damn well better do ALL of HIS time.