Going Parental: My three-year-old is kicking my ass
The reality show Survivor has a great little tag line, “Outwit, Outplay, Outlast.” The person who is able to accomplish all three of these things at the end of the show wins a million dollars. Pretty awesome, right? My three-year-old daughter would kick ass in that game. They’d never see her coming. I imagine it would go a little something like this:
“Ohhh look at that gorgeous little girl with the blond hair and big eyes. What a sweet smile you have. Aren’t you just the cutest little thing?! Hey wait a minute, how the hell did I end up on the floor — hogtied, with you standing on my back pumping your fists in victory? What just happened?!”
I’ll tell ya how. She just outwitted, outplayed and outlasted your ass. Welcome to my world.
In the past month or so I’ve noticed a change in my daughter — and myself. Ultimately, she is a pretty well behaved kid. I can take her anywhere and she will be social, play nicely with other kids and basically not embarrass me. She’s not the kid in the supermarket rolling around on the floor, having a fit because she’s not getting the candy she wants. Even she thinks that kid’s a douche bag. That’s not her thing. She’s too posh for such public displays. She sits in the cart, munches on Pirates Booty and smiles at people while we shop. What a little angel.
And then — we leave the store and get into the car.
Within minutes, “My seat-belt’s too tight! I don’t like my shirt! Change the music! I need juicy! I’m hungry!” I’m talking yelling. Not asking politely, or in a calm or soft tone like she used to do just weeks ago. It’s turned into a full blown scream fest. So what do I do in my infinite maturity? I yell back. And then she yells back. And then I yell back. And within minutes I find myself arguing with this little pisher as if she were a 15-year-old kid. I don’t know what happens to me. I completely lose not only my self control, but my awareness of her age. She’s fucking three! THREE! It’s like she pulls out this toddler Jedi mind trick on me and totally gets me to turn into a raving lunatic, knowing its the exact opposite of who I want to be. It’s like a game. And kids love games.
So what the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never been this way with her. I’ve never yelled so much in my life (OK maybe I did when I was the General in Color War at camp, but that was different — those little bastards had it coming, I mean how hard is it to carry an egg on a spoon?). I hate yelling. I hate it when people even speak loudly.
In the past two weeks, two friends have sent me the same New York Times article entitled, “For Some Parents, Shouting Is the New Spanking.” If you’re reading this blog, you have to read this article. It’s all about our generation and how completely screwed we are because we don’t hit our kids, we don’t even want to (most of the time), time-outs and counting to three become futile after a while and so what do we do? We yell.
Well apparently, yelling is potentially fucking them up more than smacking them in the ass. According to this article, I’m destroying my daughter’s self-esteem and sense of security every time I yell at her. I am the worst parent. And what’s worse — deep down I know that this is a part of her development. She’s testing things, seeing how far she can push. She’s still totally incapable of properly expressing her emotions and for the most part, she’s just being a silly kid.
Because sometimes — honestly, I feel like she’s fucking with me. She has this smirk and this twinkle in her eye and I feel as though in her head she’s saying:
“Mommy’s so stupid. I’m just going to keep smiling and not clean up my toys while she stands there trying to look all scary and just wait for her to snap. Then she’ll yell at me. Then I’ll yell back and say I want Mama, which will totally hurt her feelings. Then I’ll cry. Then she’ll feel bad. Then we’ll hug it out. And then I’ll get chocolate. And then — in about an hour or so, I’m going to do it all over again. This is fun.”
Like I said… outwitted, outplayed and outlasted.
Going Parental appears every Thursday… as long as I’m not busy stunting my daughter’s mental and/or developmental growth.
Latest posts by Jaclyn Roth (Posts)
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“Because sometimes — honestly, I feel like she’s fucking with me.” LOL She totally is fucking with you. They are all scammers, they know exactly what they’re doing and they dont care how they get what they want, as long as they do! And they say motherhood is fulfilling.
Wow……did you speak with my son, you must have since this is my day everyday with him. They must come out of the womb with a playbook on parents and how to really kick their ass through childhood! Sometimes, you wonder how you can even yell at them when they look so innocent to begin with. I love it, she totally played you.
nice work dude! let me know when you find another way to deal. i’ve been locking MYSELF in my room and telling jake to come get ME when he’s finished. it’s working, but it’s only a matter of time :)
L M F A O !!! This was great Jac ! I totally think they do fuck with us, and I gotta hand it to them. Witty little shits ! Oh Man.. I have said this before to you….We are so screwed ! Karma Baby ! LOL
Welcome to my world, but imagine 2 of jessie? thats what I have with the girls.. and William is right around the corner. You’lle lose the bottles and diapers, and love that, but then you get the “mouth” and “brain”..
I just laugh, or take a deep breath, or walk away, or sometime I do yell back, but i think that gives them too much satisfaction. Hey, a little poch on the ass never hurts, but actually that doesn’t even scare Sabrina anymore.. its a LONG road ahead for us girl..! Love you, hope Jessie is better soon, I’ll call you in the morning~
First I need to say you might be one of the funniest straight to the point writers that I actually want to spend time reading… I am not sure what took me this long to start reading your blogs but they are fuckin hysterical… And you voice so much of what I am feeling… Especially this blog… But I am sure there will be more since I just started reading them… I have been having a very similar if not exactly the same problems with julia lately or should I say since she is no longer the princess of the castle …( since kayla was born). Everyone says it gets easier make sure she knows you love her give her the attention kayla won’t notice or remember well not sure where I went wrong …..because I thought I did all that and more.. now I too find myself screaming back at a almost 5 yr old about many different things.. ( what happened to me… This is not who I am but damn I can scream and really believe she gets it but hey she pushes to my breaking point…) it kills me to think that this can affect her self esteem and all those other wonderful growing developmental issues.. I mean we were in Disney world surronded by princess dinners lunches meet and greets everything a little girl would love ( which don’t get me wrong she did) but she threw such a tantrum I didn’t know what to do.. Most of the time I ignore it which is what you should do but what do you do when you are surronded by a million people with a shinny crying lil bitch!!!!! It was so bad I wanted to cry… She does that to me… And proceeds to tell me she hates me and some other not do nice words and then when I don’t respond mommy I changed my mind I love you!!!! Jackie you are so not alone which I am sure you knew and I think this helped me a little to vent… We should talk and catch up soon… But I am sure there will be many more posts that I couldn’t agree with you more…. Thanks for saying and putting out there what so many of us are feeling!!!