The Joys of JetBlue (and junkets)
As a writer for a mix of magazines, I receive a fair amount of invites for press tours. I usually accept or decline based on one strict journalistic principle: is this something I like? For instance, when I received an offer to go on a trip to Bavaria with Sam Adams’ representatives, I signed on because:
1. I like Sam Adams beer.
2. I like German beer.
3. I like beer in general.
Likewise, I happily attended the Montreal High Lights Festival (where I had the truly gluttonous experience of consuming back-to-back seven-course gourmet meals; this is my North America course record, trailing only the time in China I had a 14-course lunch and then a 20-course dinner, at which point I believe I exploded), because:
1. I’d been to Montreal once before and always wanted to return.
2. Any time someone offers multiple seven-course gourmet meals, I loosen my belt.
Most recently, I’ve been on two trips involving JetBlue, the first to Los Angeles after the launch of their JFK to LAX route, the second the JetMystery trip they organized jointly with thrillist.com where 150 people or so showed up at JFK airport at 5am to discover we were being sent to the Iberostar Hotel in Montego Bay, Jamaica (needless to say, we were pleased, particularly when we discovered this included an open bar). Note: This trip actually wound up receiving a surprising amount of press coverage due to a fallen light tower that injured some partygoers; at the time this occurred, I was safely off drinking.
I point this out to acknowledge I have a bias in favor of JetBlue (which only seems fair; what’s Continental ever done for Sean Cunningham?). Regardless, I think JetBlue does three small things that set them apart from the vast majority of airlines, and it baffles me their example hasn’t been followed.
1. Live TV. It’s a mere 36 channels, typically at least two of which aren’t working at a given time. In an age when Cinemax has at least three dozen substations other airlines should be able to match this, because it’s a world of difference going from, “It blows I’m missing the Yankee game!” to “I am currently watching the Yankee game!” (indeed, there have been times when I secretly found myself hoping we’d be denied landing clearance so I could catch a crucial at bat). Also, XM Radio gives me an excuse to do an endless amount of flipping and I like that because it makes me feel like I’m on my couch.
2. There’s enough leg room that, if neither party is outright obese, it’s possible to step over your neighbor and get to the aisle to go to the bathroom without going through the awkwardness of, “Should I wake them? They’re really snoring away. Guess I’ll wait until my bladder’s closer to the breaking point…”
3. They aren’t staffed by total pricks.
The last time I flew a non-JetBlue airline — American — the flight attendants seemed to have a bet going on who could smash my elbow with the drink cart the most times, and I also had the pleasure of being awakened to see if I would like to shell out 10 bucks for Boston Market chicken (I declined this privilege).
So I like JetBlue and would even if they hadn’t flown me to Jamaica (though that didn’t hurt). And if American wants to up the ante by sending me to Barcelona, I may reevaluate some opinions.
__ of the Moment appears each Wednesday.
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