Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?
It’s a concept that was initiated by Hillary Clinton during her husband’s embattled Presidency. It was once again utilized by Bill Clinton this week to describe some of the vociferous opposition to a few of President Obama’s initiatives. More bizarrely, former President Jimmy Carter has alluded to the idea that those who oppose President Obama’s current agenda are probably racially motivated.
This is shameful and unacceptable in light of the obvious transformation in racial tolerance and social acceptance that our nation has displayed in the last several decades.
These virulent and radical ideas are not being put forth by ideological neophytes on college campuses or by overly opinionated bar patrons over a few too many cocktails, but rather by two of the most well known and respected political figures of our day. The accusation of any sort of conspiracy regarding the exposition of Mr. Clinton’s sexual dalliances was an obvious attempt at deflecting attention away from the true offense… perjury by a standing President. This was a mere political ploy that was laughably brushed aside by any astute observer. However, the idea that to disagree with the current administration on any of its very drastic social policies is racially motivated is utterly disgraceful.
Is there really that much at stake for these figures politically? Are they actually so willing to advance their socialistic agendas that they are willing to say and do anything toward their ultimate goal? Moreover, why is no one holding Jimmy Carter accountable for his accusations? He has made the statement and while the idea has been dismissed even by the President, why has no one demanded that he back up his claim with fact?
This clear example of race baiting should be as intolerable as the idea of racism itself in our society. The attempt at stamping out and subverting the normal rational discourse that occurs over political policy is egregiously immoral. The mere implication of such divisive motivations by our Political Elite is a sign that the American people may not have the voice that they think that they do in our Government. There was a time in our nation when to accuse someone of being a racist meant that you believed that they disliked you, whereas now to accuse someone of being a racist seems to mean that you dislike them. The pendulum seems to swing again.
It is OK to disagree with any administration and even with government as a whole. It is rational and sensible to engage in discourse regarding sweeping changes in social or financial policy. It is our duty as citizens to hold our elected officials accountable for the decisions that they make on our behalf and ask them to provide the rationale behind these decisions.
The attempt at subverting this essential element of our Democratic Republic should not be tolerated on any level. I opine that Mr. Clinton, and especially Mr. Carter be relegated to the status that they had both so longed deserved… political has-beens and socially inconsequential hacks that provide no constructive service in a society that has moved on well past their antiquated and stunted social vision
Latest posts by Larry DeRose (Posts)
- Vast Right Wing Conspiracy? - September 27, 2009
- Doubt and the recovering Catholic - June 2, 2009

Close. I would say it’s half-vast.