10. He wanted to demonstrate the detrimental effects of being forced to accept a $700 million economic stimulus package.
9. He just has a weakness for Latin spitfires.
8. He wanted to show his four sons what happens when you cheat and then get caught.
7. As the governor of South Carolina, he was just “Aiken” to see his girlfriend.
6. He thought his wife might enjoy a breather.
5. He wanted to see if he could out-Blagojevich Blagojevich.
4. To help him better deal with South Carolina’s growing immigrant community, his mistress was teaching him Spanish.
3. He was checking if he could sneak in and out of the country unnoticed, to see how porous our borders are.
2. Governor Sanford wanted to be home on Father’s Day, but Governor “Johnson” had different ideas.
1. He thought the Appalachian Trail ran through Argentina.
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Tags: Bob Sullivan's top ten everything, politics & government by Bob Sullivan
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