Lauren likes TV: What?! No cocktail party?!
Now that was a first… no cocktails. No party. A monumental moment in Bachelorette history. Here’s how we got to that point:
First, the one on one with Kiptyn. I thought there was some real chemistry there. I could’ve done without the kayak “race” but when they got to the market and back to the apartment, they were cute. However I also kept thinking, he’s so much cuter than her. I know, I’m mean. Before he could walk out on her for receiving the worst kiss of his life, Jillian wisely gave him the rose… on to the group date.
This was a way better group date than that retarded acting deal. I learned what curling was. I also learned that Michael, aka Ozone, is kinda sweet and not just a bag of annoying jokes. He looked adorable as he cuddled Jillian and wished he could sweep her away for a hot chocolate. Unfortunately for Ozone, the red team won so no date later.
David is such a douche bag. He cursed up a storm and talked about her ass. Then he proceeded to tell her that the only reason he went in for a kiss is because everyone else had kissed her. So basically, he called her a slut. Is that someone you’d want to be with, let alone kiss? He’s a moron with a meaty head.
Then along came the two on one. Quick question… who the hell is Mark? I’ve never seen him before. The dude took the backseat too… he gets an F for effort. Was there really a decision to make? No! There wasn’t! She must’ve had zero feelings for Mike because Mark is totally aloof and definitely doesn’t care.
Then came the bomb. After watching Wes romance Jillian again, the men had had it. It was time to tell Jillian that someone, meaning Wes, has a girlfriend back home. Twinkle Toes figured he would do it because he wasn’t there to make friends. He should’ve told her while giving her a pedi… maybe she wouldn’t have taken it so hard. Instead, she burst into tears and cancelled… I repeat, cancelled the cocktail party. Then she lined them up and called them out on it. When no one fessed up, she took it upon herself to go with her gut and eliminate Meathead and Juanita. Meathead, good luck finding anyone to love you. Juanita, good luck finding your husband.
Top 3 suitors: Kiptyn (for obvious reasons), Jesse (because he finally stepped it up), and Wes (because she can’t see through him, though that might change next week).
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Ohh it was a good one last night! Did you see the way twinkle toes was sweating bullets when the guys were asking who told you someone had a GF? And the way he was sooo paranoid and yelled at Juan to stop staring at him, LOL! I wonder if it’s true about Wes, hmm…he was denying it to the very end. I was sitting, biting my nails yelling at the screen, “TELL HER! TELL HER TANNER.!!” What’s weird was Jake also told Jillian to watch her back and the focus was only put on Tanner and not Jake.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, Ed has competition. I think Kiptyn is also a catch now!
So who is left? Top of my list are the potential winners, bottom of my list they will eventually be booted…
1. Kiptyn- She was soo into him, you see the way she giggled at the end of the date?
2. Jesse- They had a connection, might edge out Ed at the end
4.Ed- I think he is a good match for her but he needs to start speaking up! He is successful, handsome, and jumped off a roof for her!
5. Robby- He is pleasant but Mr. bartender will go.
6.Jake- He is NICE that’s why he is still around, but he doesn’t have the Rebel side Jillian likes.
7.Michael aka Ozone- I like him, so cute! But he hasn’t showed Jillian the serious side and uhh he is not successful at all which I’m sure she’s looking for.
8.Tanner P.- He is funny, she likes that about him, BUT Toe sucker will not make it to the top.
9.Reid- Weed? Reid? Who?
10. Wes- She loves Wes, he would be number 2 on this list if he didn’t potentially have a GF. BUT he cold be trouble and gone!
11.Mark- He is gone next.
Who the hell IS Mark?? I was thinking the same thing…I have never seen him before either. He was also yawning in the helicopter ride!!!!!!! Who yawns in a helicopter????? She must have HATED Mike!!!
Juanita is hysterical!!!!!