Just Fantastic: Superman/Batman Volume 2: Supergirl
Supergirl ain’t nothin’ but a hotly drawn bitch!
Summary (no spoiler): Supergirl comes to Earth for the first time. We deal with the whole stranger in a strange land issue and the illegal immigration issue. Superman is not alone. Batman wonders about some things that a high school senior could piece together. Blah, blah, blah. Darkseid is the main villain and the application of his entourage is kind of cool. And the ending is somewhat clever. Not a terrible read for a general Superman title, but a terrible six-issue waste of Batman Superman.
I didn’t like this volume. Admittedly, Supergirl isn’t on my short list for greatest superhero of all time — or any time for that matter. I just don’t like flavor adjusted knock-offs: Supergirl, her valiant steed Comet the Super-horse, Beppo the Super-monkey, or Streaky the Super-cat. (I am not making them up, click here). With the exception of Krypto, Superman’s dog, I can’t stand shameless super-power repackaging. Especially in a book like this where the draw is for cool scenarios with a perfect duo to play out without ramifications on the characters.
In this case Supergirl removes the last from “the Last Son of Krpyton.” Now, Superman is just “a son of Krpyton,” which is more or less saying, I’m from New Jersey. Yes, it’s nice that he’s not alone. But how super was he if being friends with the entire Justice League wasn’t enough for him? Personally, I’d like to get a beer with Wonder Woman, or recommend a good therapist to Batman. Superman having a cousin is the comic book equivalent to an emergency response unit reviving King Lear — almost dead isn’t tragic and near is almost alone.
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