Divorce becomes more complicated in a bad housing market!
I got a copy of the tentative assessed value of my home for the 2010/2011 tax year and apparently it is now worth $121,500 less than when we bought it. Good thing we aren’t planning to move anytime soon. And it seems it’s also a good thing we aren’t planning to divorce!
Breaking up is now even harder because couples are actually fighting over who gets stuck with the house. Randall M. Kessler, a divorce lawyer, said in a New York Times article, “There’s an old joke: Why is a divorce so expensive? Because it’s worth it. Now it better really be worth it.” Couples who were breaking up amicably, and treating the division of property as a matter of legality, are now fighting like cats and dogs. And in some cases have actually chosen to stay in the same house until this crisis is over. It seems that without the sale of their home many couples don’t have the money to start over — apart from one another.
Could you imagine having your soon-to-be ex living on one level of the house and you on another? Who knows how long it will take for the housing market to rebound! And how do you move on with your life? It will certainly get complicated when you start dating new people and want to bring someone home with you. Talk about awkward!
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