Go ahead, stalk that cheerleader
Dear Ruby Mac
I’m in my mid-forties and single, never married. I’m pretty much a loner and don’t date much, but when I do meet interesting single women, more often than not they are on the younger side. We’re talking age thirty give or take a few years either way. For whatever reason, these gals tend to be attracted to me. My theory is that since they are younger, I think that they view me with little interest and I comfortably fall into my geek/intellectual tendencies (music, books, politics) and somehow they find this charming.
What do you think about dating younger people? My guy friends think I rule for even considering it, my gal pals roll their eyes. I’ve been told (ironically by a gal pal) that the math works this way: Divide your age by two and then add seven to that and this is the age of the youngest person you can date. Your thoughts?
Thanks, Guy
Dear Guy,
Honestly, do you expect me to believe that you’re going to give up a chance at face-sucking just because you can’t take a little eye-rolling?
Of course not. Romance wins. It may not win because it should and it may not win forever, but a shot at soul-matery beats platonic camraderie every time. For every smart guy like you making foolish choices, there’s a smart woman doing the same thing. Hook up already! Your friends will make the temporary or permanent adjustment, as needed.
Does age matter? Well, I won’t pay 9 bucks to see Jack Nicholson with anybody under 60 anymore, but in reality, who cares? If you’re not Woody Allen-icky and she’s neither related, under coercion, or wearing a prairie dress, then proceed legally.
Eyes will roll. And inevitably, as time goes on and she continues to miss your snarkiest, cleverest pop culture references about obscure sports television shows of the 70s, those eyes may be your own.
Best, Ruby
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