Terror attack imminent
A new report delivered by a panel, that had been assembled by Congress, says a biological terror attack will happen by 2013. According to CNN.com, terrorists “are more likely to use a biological weapon than a nuclear one — and the results could be devastating.”
What am I supposed to do with this information? It’s not that I don’t want to be clued in, but I just don’t see how this information does anything for me — other than terrify me.
After reading this I wondered if there was anything I could, in fact, do to prevent becoming a victim. Should I move somewhere less likely to be a target? I can move to Dallas in an effort to still be in a city — just not New York City. I hear Colorado is nice and maybe it would be good to slow my pace down a bit. But would this even help my family to avoid being the next victims of terror? The report didn’t specify which city is most likely to be hit — only that America will, most definitely, be attacked. Should I be building an underground bunker of some kind? Would that even keep me safe from a biological attack? How are we, as average American citizens, supposed to deal with this information? Can we really even prepare?
I’d venture to guess that no one living, working, and visiting Mumbai thought a bunch of insane terrorists were going to descend on them last weekend. These warnings do nothing for me. I pay my taxes to have an effective government protect me. I take back what I said earlier… it is that I just don’t want to be clued in!
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Agreed. There’s a song out right now by a band called Thriving Ivory that has the lyrics, “Don’t tell me if I’m dying, ’cause I don’t wanna know…”
I’m pretty sure it is not about imminent terrorist attacks, but that line pretty much sums it up for me. :-)
I don’t worry about things I have no control over,you live you die the time in between is better spend enjoy life and making the best of it,not worrying about what somebody or some group might do. Life isn’t fair bad things happen to good people they always have and will it’s just a fact of life so get on with it. The only person you can depend on for your safety is your own self,once you give that responsibility to somebody else your already a victim in waiting.
I am new to your site but came from CNN, and I just wrote an article that I think is eerily similar to what you said on here. Some people agree, some people are mad, but I am tired too of just random, unfounded, and ambiguous warnings that, like you said, make you ask “so…OK…America is going to be attacked…but America is, well, sort of big….so I do…what??” Good article and it was how I felt too.
Anyways, I am a manager at McDonalds, and my workers and I just started a site where we all make our own newspaper. It has only been up 2 weeks, but the workers love it, we are still new at it and the young guys can be vulgar or crass, but we are trying. Today I just put up my first real opinion article on it – and it was about this topic. You look like you have done this awhile, and if you could just look at the site or read the article and give some advice or even a comment, it would be so great – if not, I understand, it has taken so much time just doing this website thing – I didn’t know what we were getting into. I am just trying to reach out to other people who look like they have good blogs and good experience on here, I admit wholeheartedly I am a rookie, but like I said, its worth it to see young people (even if they are cussing at each other at times) invested into something they enjoy and that helps them feel heard, and our older workers love it too. Please let us know what you think if you have any time.
The link to my article to the 2013 thing and the site is this:
or Deep Fried Worldwide on a search.
Thanks for your excellent response to a weird CNN article, and best of luck, I will try and stop by again now that I am getting more into politics!
Steph and Res45: I couldn’t agree more!
Radley: Good luck with your blog and thanks for checking out mine. It seems a lot of people feel the same way when given information like this… it doesn’t matter if you are cooking up fries or managing at a bank. The helpless feeling you get when something like this thrown at you is similar across the board. As for advice — the best thing I can tell you to do is write, write, write (even if it’s something super short about your day at the store) and read, read, read. See what other blogs are saying — and take note of how they are saying it. I look forward to checking out your site.
yeah Amy, really! They need not publish such unfinished stories. We need to know exactly who will attack us, exactly what kind of attack, when exactly it will be, where exactly it will be, and , hello!, will it bother my manicure appointment in any way? I need to know the exact details or not at all. I mean, they do not have to beat around the bush due to intellegence issues either. Why, that’s just dumb! Terrorists do not read. So, there is a likely chance that America will suffer thousands upon thousands of deaths in the next 5 years at the hands of terrorists! Who cares! Oh Mah Gawd Amy! IDK why anyone would give a damn about such a general conclusion. They act as if they have to be all secretive or something. Surely they can tell the world wide web all of the information the CIA and FBI have compiled?
I am afraid that I do not agree with you on this, not in the slightest degree.
While amorphous warnings of this type do not provide us with enough information to make us feel secure, you cannot blame the government for issuing the warning.
The hue and cry after 9/11 about the government knowing an attack was imminent and not warning people was legion. Even though they did not have specific information about the mode and targets, they were supposed to have warned everyone that someone, somewhere was planning an attack.
Now, when they are warning people, the complaints are still coming in.
They can’t win!
I would rather have some information than none at all. No one likes getting blindsided.
The government has to release this kind of information now because they dropped the ball on the 9/11 attacks. Does anyone remember the brief entitled “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US?” Ya know, its the little brief that the CIA, FBI and that retard Bush decided to skip over in August of 2001. In 2004 the 9/11 commission declassified the report, which revealed that not only was a large attack being planned by Bin Ladin, but that the target cities mentioned were NYC and DC. The World Trade Center bombing was specifically mentioned. Hijacked planes were mentioned, and even recent surveillance of federal buildings in NY by terrorists had been witnessed. Specific times, dates and targets were unknown, but it didn’t matter. They overlooked it. So now, we are doomed to be in the loop of threats the government feels the public “should” know or is at least somewhat capable of dealing with. This way if and when something happens, they can say, “well, we warned you!”
Well, that’s an easy one – we’ve been through this before.
Just drop by your local Home Depot and load up on bottled water and tape.
I’m sure you remember the last time this happened, and, embarrassingly, some Home Depots even ran out of those stacks of water and tape they used to line the aisles. Public interest was high!
Rest assured, this warning will help Home Depot (ok, you got me, -The- Home Depot) do its part so that we don’t experience another “sorry, we’re out of tape” fiasco.
So, yeah, it’s probably pretty important, and stuff.
Don’t forget your Cipro. My dad stocked up on that one. He’s set for life.
I still have my candles from Y2K :>
Preacher: You are right. They can’t win. And there is a part of me that knows I should be aware of these things… it’s just the helpless feeling I get when they come out and I know there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I am already, always, on high alert.
And to Turn, Jack, Trixie: have any of you thought about putting together a “survival bag”? I hear I should have one for each family member… short of the $100 it’ll cost, I don’t really see a downside. Maybe that’ll be a gift this holiday season.
We do need to discuss this, at least to the extent that we discuss how we’ll respond: Will we allow the state that failed to protect us to take away all of our freedoms? If the state is admitting that they are unable to prevent this, then we need to fully digest that statement and get past the fear so we are prepared for the political and legal aftermath. Otherwise, they will most surely shred the last remaining pieces of the Bill of Rights.