The Triborough Bridge Does Not Need a New Name
I understand renaming stadiums — for both the financial benefit to the company and the venue. More luxury boxes, new bathrooms, better facilities for the disabled, a retractable dome, an advertising reach in the millions (or billions), and a whole slew of other things. I don’t understand the need to rename a bridge in honor of a former New York senator and United States attorney general who, yes, sadly, was assassinated. If his family wanted to raise money to pay for the costs associated with the change I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with this; the man did serve our state and country. But I can’t understand why New Yorkers should have 4 million of their taxpayer dollars used toward this ridiculousness.
Yes… you read that correctly. It will cost $4 million to replace road signs so that The Triborough Bridge, which connects Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx, can be called The Robert F. Kennedy Bridge. Even in good economic times this would be a stupid thing to do. And, as if to make it feel less absurd, the spokesman for the New York State Department of Transportation said he understands we are in tough economic times and he won’t put bids out to complete the transformation until 2011. In 2011 I still won’t want to spend $4 million dollars on this project. Just call the bridge what it is… The Tri – Borough!
I can think of lots of things the state can spend this money on. Is my ranting unwarranted? Does this make sense to you?
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The irony is that RFK himself would probably have seen this as a complete waste of spending. Why not put the money towards something useful, like education.
Unwarranted? You missed my rant the other day. Why aren’t the Kennedy’s screaming, “No! Bobby wouldn’t have wanted this. Give the money to the downtrodden!”
Exactly! And Dana — I would love to read your rant… please share the link!