In the shoes of the jews
What do Lara Logan and Hozni Mubarak have in common? What unifies the Egyptian protesters with those granola hikers that “wandered” into Iran? Vultures and sharks, even AIDS and syphilis bugs along with numberless Copts, Kurds, turkomen and other ethno-religious also-rans are all swept into one morally homogenous category of enemy where also sits nearly every nation or at least powerful interests within those nations. Israel herself is the Little Satan. The Great Satan? Look in a mirror. We are all tools, perhaps unknowing, of the hellish Zionist Entity that has quite literally conspired even to shrink the genitals of the faithful.
All the forgoing has been documented by the local media in those dusty locations constantly on the news lately. Al Jazeera and smaller outlets; some free, some state controlled, repeat these fantasies from their authors when they do not author them themselves. Any question as to the scientific or practical hurdles to, say, train a buzzard to eat an arab rather than a jew is as rare as a harlot in paradise. Needless to say any moral objection is rarer still.
This is good news though. Forget objections, arguments or mitigations, these are all piloted vehicles that can only rarely navigate the murk of Middle Eastern level anti-semitism. Despite some decent rear-guard actions over the years anti-semitism has grown and worsened simultaneously and globally for decades until we find ourselves at a pivotal moment. On the streets and in the minds of the arab/muslim world there is now as much anti-semitism as they can reliably hold. Saturation is now 100%.
Now, everyone is a jew! Except me and you! (And I am investigating us both.) The Mubarakites are denounced as zionist agents or accomplices. When Mubarak’s hired, hinterland thugs swing clubs from camelback at the crowds, they denounce each target as a jew. Lara Logan is jeered as a jew while she is raped. This we have heard. What have we not heard? How many nameless Egyptian mothers, sisters and daughters were raped while hooted down as a jew? A few?
But I am not a jew! would be a reasonable response, one might think, except that is exactly what the Mossad agents are TRAINED to do! Deny they’re a jew. The jews run Saudi Arabia, didn’t you know that? Iraq is shot-full of zionist conspirators and do you know what they do in addition to the usual jewish atrocities? Why, they blow up markets dressed as muslims! Truly, this the jews do do.
It is as much in Jordan as in Syria as in Yemen as in Bahrain and in some sad corners of The West. The jews are everywhere and coincidentally they aggregate on the other side, whatever that may be. But since everyone is on the other side of something now everyone gets to be a jew! Are you a trade unionist? Jew. Wet-nursing advocate? Jew. Anti-circumcision? Oddly, jew. 911 hijacker? Well, they were probably not ALL jews but it was a Mossad operation, everyone knows that!
Not quite everyone. Not any more. The absurd and vapid accusations that protect the political milk cows of the local thugs are wearing thin on the ground and even at the higher levels of arab society. An amazing article titled An Israeli conspiracy that never existed has appeared in The Arab News that basically refutes nearly every other article that has ever been printed in The Arab News. The author is a high level Saudi military man.
Obviously, this is zionist propaganda.
These few events and a modest number like them really constitute the only Good News coming out of the mideast. No change of the portrait on the stamps or the Egyptian pound is going to do anything to seriously improve daily life on the arab street. Egypt is socialist today. It will be socialist tomorrow. The Middle East generally is islamist today. It will be islamist tomorrow. The only hope for genuine improvement in terms of liberty and prosperity comes after a top-to-bottom recognition that the arab world is largely what the arabs have made it. No jew has ungladdened your loins, arab friends. No jew has guzzled your oil. No jew has stolen your land. What you see before you in bloody, sandy streets may not be what you deserve but it is what you have made. If you do not like it, best remake it. And when you do they will denounce you as a jew. Best get used to it.
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