RTB: RottenTomatoBot takes on the scourge of film critics who wrote negative reviews of Kick-Ass
Introducing RTB: RottenTomatoBot, the hero who does everything within his power to protect the cinematic art form from moronic film critics!
If you’re confused by the above:
RottenTomatoes is a website that, among other things, aggregates film critics’ reviews and, based on whether those reviews are “positive” or “negative,” assigns a grade of either “fresh” (60% or more positive), or “rotten” (less than 60% positive). It also has an active “community” of movie fans who comment on the reviews, and offer their own opinions. Occasionally, these commenters can get a little, shall we say, exuberant in their rush to defend movies that they like (or that they think they’ll like but haven’t seen yet). They have been known to suggest that critics who don’t share their enthusiasm for certain films should “**** off”, or even die. “Uniqueness” is sometimes used as an insult.
Today, Friday April 16th, a new comic book-based film entitled Kick-Ass is opening. It’s gotten some decent reviews, but it’s also gotten some negative ones. The members of the RottenTomatoes community have dutifully sprung to its defense, suggesting that those who don’t see just how truly magnificent and entertaining this film is must be suffering from the ill effects of retardation or cancer, or a simple misunderstanding of the cinematic art form. So I took some of the more interesting RT community comments and turned them into a comic strip, featuring RTB: RottenTomatoBot, the fearless and enthusiastic defender of film against the nefarious forces of film critics who just don’t understand film. The original comments can be found at the RT Kick-Ass critics page, sorted by “rotten” here. Or, you can check out my screenshots of the quotes here. Or you can just take my word for it that the quotes in the comic above were actually typed and posted by actual commenters, and I wasted a lot of time gathering them and then drawing a comic strip character to represent the people who wrote them.
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Rick, good artwork, good thoughts, GREAT post! Thanks for sharing.
Yes!!!! Speak truth to power!
Does Valerie Jarrett say “Yes!!!! Speak truth to power!” to EVERYTHING? A mighty phrase, but limited, one would think, in its applicability. Say, for instance, VP Biden planned to go to the office of P Obama, would she advise, “Yes!!!! Speak truth to power!” Is there an Office of Exclamation Points. Distribution Division, somewhere in the US Capital?
Brilliance! Most people will get a big laugh out of it, and the fanboys can enjoy a good laugh at their own expense……… or……. can they? ;81
You must have been merciful with the copy editing too, which speaks to you character, as these typed of coments postd has more bad rammar oft!!
Brilliance! Most people will get a big laugh out of it, and the fanboys can enjoy a good laugh at their own expense……… or……. can they? ;81
You must have been merciful with the copy editing too, which speaks to you character, as these typed of coments postd has more bad rammar oft!!
Someone should link to this at rottentomatoes.
Hopefully Ricky won’t get death threats.
@Parsifal: I just love it when truth is spoken to power, hence my excitement. Like when we at the White House stopped talking to Fox News for a week- that was great. We really stuck it to the man!!!! Power was spoken to by truth!!!! And now RTB is speaking truth to power, so that’s great. Truth must to power speak, at all times!!!!!
@cgortz: To give credit where credit is due, I actually didn’t “clean up” any typos– RTB said them just as they were written (except for the “all caps,” which of course is a superhero conceit). The commenters must have used there spell chek.
@Colin: As long as they’re just “threats,” I guess I can handle them.
@Valerie: RTB appreciates your support.
@Parsifal: Must you attack Valerie Jarrett in this manner? It’s unseemly. Especially in a post like this one.
@Jeff: You are too kind, many thanks.
@ Ricky
!!!OMG!!! I’m not attacking Valerie, merely questioning the portability of her favorite (apparently) phrase to every occasion and subject. Or to at least two in this blog.
Wait a minute!!! White House??? You ARE the power!!! Not that I disagree with you about Foxy News. It’s lower than despicable. And of course I think the White House (and Blair House) have just about the perfect occupants.
It’s a shame, though, that the lowly semi-colon can’t be used so profligately as its punctuation cousins ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ Parsifal- like I told Campbell Brown
@ Valerie
— !!! ALL RIGHT !!! — ””’ RIGHT ON”” —,,,,,,,,////// ~~~~~!!!! ROCK ON ^^^^^^ ******
This is full of win. Well done, sir.