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The Zionist Entity is the Little Satan. The Great Satan? USA! USA! USA! No big surprises there. It’s pretty easy to laugh at this literal demonization. Okay, so we’re the debbil! That’s pretty cool, actually. We’re all red and smoky! What are you going to do about it? Send the Egyptian Navy? Kill us one by one when you get the chance? Practicality demands the latter and so does the koran. If, at this late date, you do not know that jihad is a required sacrament of all muslims and that it demands your conversion, submission or death, truly you don’t know much. I will dispense with pro-forma exclusions of “good muslims” who might box or rap, or “moderate muslims” who are simply not that devout and those even rarer creatures, the “reformist muslims” who do forthrightly declare adherence to something we modern Westerners would recognize as openness and tolerance. Because they are satans, too.

You have to admire the pure binary nature of the catechismic divide. This is the central enterprise of islam, functioning like a junior-high school clique the muslim scholars  toil merely to decide who is in. And who is out. Let’s run the tape of the Usual Objections: yes, this is also partly the function of other religions but leaving out splinters of hinduism and a parade of also-rans, all creeds declare their own practitioners to be blessed, only islam writes non-believers out of the human race. And if you are the type of granola who thinks we would all be better off with animal rights and animal rights alone, you should not see an ally in the throngs of islam, as they rather assert a proprietorship over the unbelievers identical to a farmer’s over a chicken.

Other baroque and offensive eccentricities run through the islamic doctrine but then, the tape reminds us, it does through christianity and judaism as well. Of course that is true. The next item on the tape is an offer to compare the brutalities of our more homespun religions against islam, “all day”. Somehow this challenge is never answered, it seems because of the implicit threat of filibuster. I find that threat pretty unthreatening. I have time, and would gladly discuss, say, the relative merits or detriments of circumcision as known to jewish and most secular gents in the US and that thing called circumcision that stitches up a kindergarten girls nether orifice until it is cut open on the joyous prospect of her wedding. Why is such an easy task never undertaken? In the media arena this particular savagery is dismissed as “not islamic”, which takes it off the table. And this is true in the sense that the practice really comes from ancient animists predating the rise of islam in Africa. It is also true that it is perpetuated as an islamic practice and sign of devotion. Not any special level of devotion, mind you, just the sort that may let you argue your way out of a beheading if, again, the clerics should rule you out of bounds. More remarkably, if this practice IS non-islamic, it is the only non-islamic practice that islamic authorities are doing nothing about.

This is the point where the tape complains that you should not reduce the world of islam to a single element and we do not.  Rather we will examine this issue to exemplify the subtle alterations creeping into our society from the slums and mansions of primitive tribes in many a regard. As  distasteful  we find universally the condition of women in islam, still, it is easy to look away. After all, that may go on in dusty, distant lands but our concerns are that our daughters conduct themselves like sitcom prostitutes; perhaps in ignorance and perhaps not. But the two go hand-in-hand. The brutal facts of life for women under islam are never admitted, just excused as protected religious custom, a family matter and a defense of female honor that we must agree, can use some defense. This bland facade reinforced with the threat of riots and other unrest has been more than sufficient to have islands of sharia, genital mutilations and clan justice sprout up in every nation of the West. In the US this is not so obvious but only because of our wide-open spaces. In Europe where all are at much closer quarters there is a sizeable archipelago nation, nakedly hostile to the modern order while living off its charity. Our own largest enclave in Dearborn, Michigan has become a no-fly zone for things offensive to muslims, mostly meaning any mention of a diverging religious viewpoint.

Were you absent the day we voted for this? Yes, you were. The vote was no election as we understand it. Rather it was an explicit invasion into our culture of tolerance and indecision with their opposites. A forcefully certain minority eclipses a vast but cautious majority. The old question from the Skokie march [1] was, how much intolerance can we tolerate? The nasties of that day never got their parade but if they did there would have been no shortage of Americans out protesting these protestors and there is little doubt which side the media and government would come down on. Now, a certain snake-handling preacher has the nerve to publicly burn a koran, and what is the result? Well, at home there is legal trouble for Rev Jones and he must  be protected from retribution; overseas there is mass violence. While explicitly incited by Karzai it is Jones who is held culpable. It is the same with the koranic cartoons as with Ossama’s numerous public funerals with precedent going back to the Ayatollah. It is always the “incitement” so-called that is to blame. The existence of Israel is the primary incitement. Our continued respiration without prayer, ass-up, five times a day, is likewise not negotiable. But these are just ticks on a long ledger. Islam is to dominate and not be dominated and that is the root of all. Sure, the implied duties of that are not taken up by all muslims but the call to jihad never stops and need only be answered once.

On the other hand, the alliance of secularists and non-muslim religious folks have a persistent chore before them for which we have little taste. It makes for a clumsier argument to say that, whatever our failings and contradictions, letting everyone take their own path as much as possible is superior, morally and practically to “Submission”; the true meaning of the word islam. The poverty in our case shows instantly in the muslim response: if everyone is to take their own way, well, THIS is our way. A freedom of worship the muslims do not accept becomes the fortress for any depravity. Honor killings, burqhas, polygamy and jihad are accorded the sanctity of the Lord’s Prayer. A clitorodectomy is equivalent with a bat mitzvah.

And maybe it is so. Maybe the coercion we think we see is all a mirage. There is only one way to find out. Remove the pan-islamic writ that declares death to apostates above even the death of the rest of us. No, we can’t implace that statute in the muslim world but we already have it here. It must be enforced, not just by the authorities but by the citizenry. We should take seriously what our muslim neighbors say. Any one publicly declaring themselves a Soldier of Allah, as did the Fort Hood baby-killer, should be arrested and tried for treason. They have announced themselves as stormtroopers in an invasion force. What more do we need? Actual acts of violence? But we have those. We certainly do. In those several muslim countries where we now have a serious military presence there should at least be an open policy of aiding any endangered convert from islam as we would any other refugee from state violence, for that is what these murders are. As christians are killed, raped, robbed and burned out in Egypt and elsewhere we should be forcefully protecting them and publicly arming them. For jews we would do the same but they have already been pogromed from the muslim world; they were all driven into Israel decades ago. At home, we can welcome islam that is explicitly separate from international jihad but no other. If this sounds like an unfair imposition, you should remember that it has always been so. Ask the IRA. Many a priest in the UK and here were attended closely by the authorities and society to make sure they didn’t dangerously sermonize. It has been so long since a concern like this was considered polite we are easily persuaded that it is unnecessary and most offensively, unAmerican.

Like in the struggle against Communism, you will find few jihadis in American living rooms but you will find droves of anti-anti-jihadis. Our betters in government, the universities and media claim the real threat is in fighting jihad. The anti-jihadists provoke a peaceful people with their insults and suspicions. We good, tolerant and informed people are against all that. Of course the jihadis will see this and look kindly on us, just as we would. This view, as we hear ad nauseum, concerns itself with the backlash but never does consider the lash. We’ve tried accommodation though, folks, to no good result. The time has come for a forthright opposition to jihad as well as the graphic rubbishing of the anti-anti-jihad poseurs. We mustn’t let depravities continue behind closed doors simply because those doors have a crescent shaped window. We mustn’t let threats be shouted into our faces simply because they are in arabic. We mustn’t let laziness or spinelessness allow an invasion and conversion that would be impossible if a single man resisted. If we do we will richly deserve the disgust of our fathers, the contempt of our daughters and our new permanent addresses in Ameristan.


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