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Did Obama break the law when delivering the SOTU

Many of you may accuse me of hasty floccinaucinihilipilification for this, and claim that I’m being harsh, but…

From Uncle John’s Legendary Lost Bathroom Reader [1], page 199:

Though officially banned as early as 1395 in Paris, it was a centuries long practice throughout Europe to empty bedpans from high windows into the street.  Oft ignored etiquette demanded that they first shout the classic warning “Gardez l’eau!” In Edinburgh you could hire a guide to walk ahead of you and shout, “Haud your hand!” to people in the windows above.

They never get rid of old laws, do they?  So wasn’t it illegal for the President to heave last night’s steaming pile out onto the heads of unsuspecting American citizens?  Shouldn’t he have at least given us the “Gardez l’eau!” beforehand?

We’re going to increase spending on all kinds of different, worthless government projects while freezing spending at the same time?

Come on Obama, you’re supposed to be Harvard educated.  You’ve gotta be smarter than that.  Can we have a look at your degree, or has it vanished?  Maybe it’s with your birth certificate and Elvis on that alien moon base on the dark side of our favorite satellite?