This week, as October is flying by us, and Phillies playoff baseball has me in a tizzy, and yesterday’s Eagles game tailgate has me almost in a coma, I am digging Phineas and Ferb and the last day of the month Halloween.
I, along with my son, dig Phineas and Ferb [1]. My son Jack is now two and a half years old. He is an energetic, curious, and lovable little guy. And he is on full speed the majority of the time. The only time he calms down is when he watches TV. Now I don’t want him watching too much, but then I think it would be silly to ban him from TV because he could grow up totally clueless to much of the world around him. (I met a girl in college who had never seen Ferris Bueller’s Day off. now that shit is downright criminal!) One show thet really gets his attention, and also mommy and daddy’s, is Phineas and Ferb. The show is about two little boys who do crazy and amazing things in their backyard and neighborhood. Their sister is always trying to get them caught in the act to no avail. And they have a pet platypus who moonlights as a secret agent battling the evil Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz [2]. (The greatest “bad guy” in television history in my opinion.) I can’t imagine what these guys were smoking when they created this show, but I applaud them for their efforts.
I actually laugh out loud a few times during any given episode. And the sad thing is that after Jack is fast asleep and in bed, I will catch myself flipping the channels and saying, “ooh, Phin and Feb is on!” The show has a very catchy theme song, and Jack sings along to it and jumps around like a maniac. Once the show is on, I get a brief respite from chasing Jack around the house and cleaning up his messes. So thank you Phineas and Ferb for a half hour of relaxation and comedy each day!
I am digging Halloween. This year, I don’t have a costume or anything, but am all about getting Jack’s costume all set. I’ve always loved Halloween, but never believed in buying official costumes from stores. That’s lazy and definitely not fun. To me, there is nothing better than a slightly half-assed, but extremely creative homemade costume. The one I most proud of is my Halloween 1986 costume, where I was the original party animal, the beer drinking dog named Spuds McKenzie [3]. My mom got a Hawaiian shit, made some dog ears, and painted my face white and eye black. I still think that my mom was the coolest for letting me be the spokesdog for Bud Light at the age of 10! But Jack is being someone much more tame and acceptable; he is going to be Mickey Mouse. However, I am still mulling over what his secondary costume will be. And by secondary, I mean ridiculous and definitely not appropriate. Last year, he was a Chippendale. Very simple to do, and check out the result.
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