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Mohammad can no longer go to the mountain

The good people of RevolutionMuslim.com, who recently threatened [1] the creators of South Park with death, over their depiction of Mohammad in a recent episode, have issued a new edict: no longer can anyone use the expression, “If the mountain won’t come to Mohammad, Mohammad must go to the mountain.” Or any variation of it.

“It is demeaning to use the Prophet in a metaphor or figure of speech,” so wrote Abu Talhah al Amrikee, spokesman for the website. “Anyone who persists in such blasphemy will have their throats cut, Inshallah!

In reaction, all major television networks and movie studios have agreed to refrain from using such idiom in the future, and will forthwith redact any occurrences within their libraries. Newspapers will likely comply too, based on responses of those contacted.

And President Obama, in the name of tolerance and peace, will reportedly ask all Americans to avoid utterance of the phase, as well.

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