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Did the Democrats just give us health care reform, or a bunch of ShamWow cloths

[1]“You’ll learn to like it” [2].

That’s how the Democrats are responding to the critics who note that they just jammed Health Care Reform down our throats, in open defiance of the majority opposition, in a manner that was neither democratic, nor republican.

Of course, they’re basing their claim on the fact that other entitlements have become the third rail [3] of American politics.  They’re betting that, once exposed to this entitlement, the poorest 51% of the population will fall head-over-heels in love with the idea that we can stick it to the Man and TAKE our health care insurance from him by force.  That we’ll get giddy over our new-found ability to jettison personal responsibility in regards to our health.

Maybe so.  I cannot argue that their reasoning isn’t sound.  They are on the right side of history in regards to entitlement spending, that much is true.

But when ever I hear the words “You’ll learn to like it”, it conjures up all kinds of horrible mental images.

From a heinous Clayton Williams [4] faux pas, to the late night infomercials on TV telling us “You’ve got to see our product to believe it!” or “Once you’ve tried Product X, you’ll never know how you lived without it!”, to my mother telling me that I’d learn to like brussel sprouts, the assurances of people trying to peddle me something sight-unseen have a nasty tendency of convincing me that I’m about to get something absolutely crappy.  If I’d ever heard Billy Mays tell me “You’ll learn to like it!” on his infomercials, well, I’d have probably bought it…  Never under estimate the power of the beard. (RIP [5])

But when the rest of these shuckesters tell me that they have the cure to all that ails me, I generally feel safe in laughing at their pronouncements.

Seriously, the Democrats failed to convince anyone with an iota of reason or intelligence of the overwhelming need of Health Care Reform, and they tried for a year.  Heck, they’ve tried seven times before Obama [6] to get this legislative equivalent of Charmin past the American People, and they failed each time, just as they failed this time, never convincing people that the entity which would pay $400 for a hammer could be trusted to run anything as vital and complicated as our health care system.

Their problem?

They should’ve gone to the master of selling shitty products for insane prices accompanied by all kinds of hidden costs:  Vince Shlomi.

sham-wow-dies [1]

Vince Shlomi, Democrat candidate for President, 2012.  He’s the only one who could sell Obama’s agenda to America.

And hey!  It’s an even better analogy when you realize that the treatment the Democrats gave America and the Constitution was EXACTLY like how he beat up that hooker in his motel room [7]

sham_wow_mugshot [8]

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