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The health care debacle

Face it folks, you’re going to get sick and tired of me writing about the new health care law.  I don’t think it’s Constitutional, no matter what precedents you can dig up out of some dusty old tome of law.  Common sense will tell you that this is a gross encroachment of liberty by government, all in the name of power.  The issue has divided this country more thoroughly than anything since the Civil War.  I don’t know what it’s like in the cities, but this country boy can feel the anger and fear in small town America.

This doesn’t end well, no matter what happens.  If it isn’t repealed, rural America is going to go crazy, and if it is repealed, the cities will be overwhelmed by rioting.  But let me present the only side of the story I’m familiar with, the side of the story that I live…

The whole point of the United States is that we are supposed to be free.  This is the land of freedom.  But here’s the News flash:  Government making choices for you isn’t freedom.  In fact, it’s the exact opposite of freedom.  The government has no authority to force you to buy a product (like a gun, or insurance), it does not have the authority to prohibit you from buying a product (like the salt ban in New York [1], or an abortion), and it does not have the authority to penalize you for choosing to do neither action.

That’s why I get so pissed at social conservatives.  They’re a-ok with the government regulating the prostitution industry out of existence, but not the health insurance industry???  It’s hypocritical.

Of course, the same came be said for a liberal that wants to regulate the hell out of health care, but in the next breath wants marijuana to be free as a bird.

I’m one of the few individuals out there who is truly pro-choice. Secularist liberals and social conservatives are both willing to put the freedom of choice on the chopping block at the first opportunity.  I want the government to stop making our choices for us, and let us make our own choices for ourselves. 

I KNOW and ACKNOWLEDGE that you, as an individual, can do a better job running your life than I can, better than my neighbor can, and better than a popularity-contest-winner-politician thousands of miles away in DC can, and I’m willing to let you prove that you are capable of it.

I merely ask that you return the same respect for the equal ability of all mankind to me, and leave me in peace.

I have health insurance.  I have a job out in the middle of nowhere specifically because I enjoy being alone and not having to deal with people.  I pay my taxes and consume no social welfare of any type.

What did I do to deserve having my entire health care system, which worked extremely well for me, destroyed?

Why can’t I just be left alone?  I’m taking care of myself and not bothering anybody.  Who gives any of you the right to make major changes in my life when my life doesn’t affect you at all?

Just like the pro-choice side of the abortion debate.  That’s my exact argument.  It’s my body, my life, and I’m not harming any of you, so why do you seek to regulate my life, deny me of my choice?

Every one of the 80-85% of the population which had/has health insurance and is/was happy with it is in the same situation, facing the same dilemma.

Who/what gives Democrats the right to completely take control of, and change at whim, a system that successfully serves so many people, that makes so many people happy?

I can promise you that no matter what this winds up looking like, there is no way 80-85% of the population is going to be satisfied with it.  The final product will, because of politics, be less successful than the one we’re trying to take apart.

And it’s causing massive civil unrest.

What a flaming pile of dog crap in a brown paper bag.