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The Tea Party’s National Day of Strike

Ladies and gents, it seems like it’s time for a little peaceful civil disobedience.  Many thousands, maybe many hundreds of thousands, gathered in DC to protest health care and Obama’s plan to ruin America last September, and their voice is being ignored by Congress.  The polls, which show that the majority of Americans are against the health care bill, are also being ignored as the Democrats bribe, lie, and change their precious bill in an attempt to get something, anything, passed to give them the opening they need to take control of the American health care system.

When your elected representatives ignore you, ignore the voice and will of the majority, what is a peaceful person to do?  We realize that violence is not the answer, that there are many steps to take before open revolt is necessitated by the actions of the government that have crossed into oppression, and it seems that the Tea Party movement is beginning to take those steps.

From CNN: [1]

“Tea Party activists are frustrated that despite a huge turnout over the last year Congress is ignoring them,” says Hardage, who is national operations director for the planned strike. “The question is that if the elected officials ignore you, what do you do to exercises your right to self-governance? So we decided to hold a National Day of Strike where we go after the large donors of the people pushing this radical agenda.”

Hardage says the idea of the one-day strike is to focus attention on the businesses that support the most liberal members of Congress as well as groups that advocate “big government” policies.

Now, I’ve been advocating this course of action for a couple of years (I really wasn’t a fan of Bush either).  Money makes the world go ’round, and if we stop the flow of money, or seriously retard the rate of flow, we’re going to cause serious pains on the balance books of the US’s major corporations.  As soon as the businesses which support the slime ball Congress critters in DC feel the pinch on their bottom lines, they’ll yank their lobbyists in for a stern lecture so fast that it’ll make their ears bleed.

In turn, the displeasure of the lobbyists will be felt by their automatons in Congress, most noticably in the realms of their bribe money and campaign funding.

And once Congressmen stop getting bribed, we’re going to get some serious changes.

Congress is controlled by powerful business interests.  Congress won’t listen to us, so it’s time to by-pass them and go above their heads on the totem pole of power.  Time to go to their superiors.  And the experience of the unions in the early half of the last century shows that businesses respond to general strikes.

Even now, I can hear the cries of outrage from the liberals…

Libtard1: “Our economy is very tender at the moment.  Such a strike would drive us head long into an open Depression!”

Libtard2: “Yeah!  Is your partisanship so strong that you would be willing to destroy this Nation?”

Well, aside from the obvious fact that Obama and the Dem’s partisanship is certainly strong enough to destroy America (remember, they promised “fundamental change”), there are a couple of other glaring examples of liberal ignorance in these statements.

Our economy is very tender at the moment, and is not recovering. Federal money is being used to re-inflate an economic bubble that most Democrats, when their necks weren’t in the noose, called unsustainable, Bush’s fault, yada yada yada. Now that they’re on the Hot Seat, Bush’s “failed economic policies” seem to be a-ok with the Democrats in DC, so much so that they’re trying to re-inflate the bubble and live on the Bush model for a few more years.

We all know where this led us in the past, and where it will lead us in the future. And the libtards think that it’s naughty of conservatives to boycott this?

Maybe conservative voters screwed up supporting the Republicans that allowed this bubble to inflate, then pop. Entirely possible. But does that make the Democrat voters any less culpable if they allow their representatives to prolong the problem, if not make it worse?

Thus, we strike.  Don’t go to work.  Don’t buy goods subjected to a sales tax (which hits everything since these taxes are embedded in the prices of most goods).  Take the fight to the people who matter, the people with the money which makes this political agenda go ’round.

But I do not like this particular approach by the Tea Parties, myself.

What good will a one day strike do?

How many of you remember the strike the private trucking industry engaged in two summers ago in response to high gas prices?  You can read about it here, [2] if you so desire.

What good did their strike do?  It didn’t lower gas prices.  It didn’t slow the economy.  It didn’t impact the supply and flow of goods in this country.  In short, it didn’t cause any stress great enough to make the strike noticeable.

What is needed is for the people who oppose the Democrats’ Plan to Destroy America to go on strike, true, but it has to be a real strike.  The unions didn’t go on strike and picket for a single day then go back to work!  They went on strike until they got what they wanted!  And that’s what the Tea Parties need to do.

40% of this nation openly calls themselves “conservative”, maybe more, depending upon the polls you read.  Could you imagine what having half of the population just sit down and refuse to be consumer cattle and economic sheep any longer would do to the finances of the businesses which are driving these changes?  A general strike by conservatives that wouldn’t let up until UHC was thrown into the garbage can of history?  A general strike that would not end until government spending was reined in?  Until taxes were lowered from their current stratospheric heights?

The Congressmen and women of the US couldn’t ignore that like they ignored a million people standing out front of their offices, shouting their displeasure at them.

Well, they could ignore it, but it wouldn’t be wise of them to do so.

It’s time to stop beating around the bush with this crew of thieves and looters.  It’s time to make sure that our elected representatives know what their job is, and that ignoring the majority of Americans is not going to be tolerated.  Start storing up food, getting bottled water stashed away, etc, then go on strike and make it mean something.

If that doesn’t work, we’ll be one step closer to exercising our “…Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” (DoI [3]), but there are steps we must take before extreme measures become necessary, and this is one of them.