Glee, Wednesday 9PM, FOX [1] — Glee returned this week and has once again managed to hit the high notes (well almost). It was nice to see Artie as the center story line this week as they focused on the obstacles of his disability and his sheepish romance with Tina (that faker… she never did do a good stutter). His unconventional rendition of “Dancing With Myself” was sweet and one of my favorite numbers of the year.
The Diva-off was amazing. I love how the show didn’t make Kurt’s dad, Wade, the stereotypical man’s man father who doesn’t accept his son’s sexual preference, but rather made him a loving dad who’s having a hard time being a single parent in general and wants his son to be safe. And Kurt only wants to make his dad’s life easier, hence the bum note. This is a great example of what many families go through every day and I hope they’re watching.
But the big surprise of the night came from no other than Sue Sylvester. We knew Sue was up to something fishy when she accepted Down Syndrome student Becky to the Cheerios and watched as she pushed her to do better, as she would with all of her squad. But when we discovered the real reason behind Sue’s acceptance of Becky, as she visited her mentally handicapped sister at her special needs home, our hearts broke and for one moment, Sue wasn’t the rigid she-devil we’ve come to know her as. I hope we see more (but not too much!) of that Sue. And I hope Becky sticks around.
The only story line I am done with is the ridiculous pregnancy. Does Finn really still think that his sperm swam into Quinn’s vagine?
Grey’s Anatomy — This season of Grey’s has been quite good, don’t you say? First the new hot doctor Jackson (hey now), then Derek’s successful, non-operable spinal cord tumor surgery, and then Arizona and Callie love each other? Ladies across the country are girl-crushing on AZ Robbins, including me. Good stuff. And it’s so good seeing Kim Raver on my screen again. I wish she’d brought Jack [2] along with her, but we’ll see him in January. The only abysmal story line is regarding… guess who… Izzie Stevens. Can she leave the show already?
Gossip Girl — The threesome was a huge disappointment. The best part about GGis trying to figure out where each scene takes place in Manhattan and listening to them drop names of the city’s hottest restaurants and more discreet hotspots (shout out to Mamoun’s [3]). Know what’s not hot? The ratings [4]. Though the menage a trois [5] helped them a bit, they still ain’t good [6].
Saturday Night Live — January Jones was awful, as expected… and I’m still trying to figure out the purpose of the “other” two Black Eyed Peas.
Dollhouse was finally cancelled [7]. Bring It On 7 isn’t looking so bad now, is it Dushku [8]?
What to Watch, Week of 11/16
Gossip Girl — The threesome continues and hopefully becomes something to be excited about.
Grey’s Anatomy — I hate to admit it, but Grey’s is the best show on TV right now.
The American Music Awards — W-W-W-Whitney.
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