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Book review: Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk

I’m six chapters into this book and can’t go on. Supposedly, the plot picks up later, something about the Pygmy terrorist kid trying to win the science fair so he can take down Washington with his explosive project. I don’t care. I won’t read any further.

I’m a long time Palahniuk fan but this is garbage; let’s be honest. Writing an entire book in broken pygmy language makes for a good joke, as in: “I’m working on a book about a pygmy terrorist. Wouldn’t it be funny if the whole thing was in mixed up pygmy narration? [laughs all around],” but it doesn’t make for an enjoyable read. Not unless you’re one of those types that pretentiously enjoys the unenjoyable. You know, the type that wears shorts in the winter and then pretends that they aren’t cold or uses the hottest pepper sauce and acts like everything is cool.

Pygmy Cover [1]

Apparently, a lot of Palahniuk’s fans fit this mold. Looking over other reviews I feel like the little boy pointing out that the emperor has no clothes. I imagine Chuck saying to a confidant “my fans are dumb teenagers and angst filled peons. They’ll buy any shit I put out as long as it has some creative violence and they can pretend it’s artistic. Watch this…”

If I’m wrong and Palahniuk really was genuinely putting forth effort here, I say (after a chuckle): always next time Chuck. This doesn’t work or even begin to pass as something worth spending my time on.

I am grateful for the die-hard fans though, really. I can still dump this book online, used, for nearly what I paid for it new–suckers!

Tyler Samien has a BA in English/creative writing from the University of Tennessee. He enjoys writing everything from scathing online reviews of companies that displease him to nostalgic memoirs of childhood experience. His blog, ReluctantChauffeur [4], is about to get interesting as he travels the United States with his wife and goofy-faced puppy.