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Hindu Rodeo’s “Hindu Rodeo”

A quick post from vacationland. Every year for more than a decade, when driving through southern Michigan, I play for my family one of the best songs of the 90’s: “Hindu Rodeo” by the Minneapolis band of the same name. Their eponymous album has two incredible songs, “Blue Sky” and “Hindu Rodeo.” The latter, though, at over 7 minutes, is what I call a “kitchen sink song”. It has everything.Hindu Rodeo is basically a punk band, but “Hindu Rodeo” the song is inspired by the Beatles in “Within You and Without You” mode, with a killer guitar lick, an Indian drum beat and chord structures, and a singalong chorus at the end that is nothing less than joyful. It must have been an astounding thing to watch the band do live. I can’t tell by Googling them if they even still exist. The songs were written by Joel Sayles — I hope he’s still writing and playing. You can’t find the song “Hindu Rodeo” online for legal download, but there are CD’s to be had cheap all over the place.

How do bands who make such great songs just disappear? If you know more about this great band, let me know.

Christopher Guerin is the author of two books each of poetry and short fiction, a novel, and more than a dozen children’s books. If he hadn’t spent 26 years as an arts administrator, including 20 years as President of the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, perhaps he’d have worked a little harder getting them published. His consolation resides in his fiction and poems having been published in numerous small magazines, including Rosebud, AURA, Williams and Mary Review, Midwest Quarterly, Wittenberg Review, RE: Artes Liberales, DEROS, Wind, and Wind less Orchard. His blog, Zealotry of Guerin, features his fiction and poetry, including his sonnet sequence of poems after paintings, “Brushwork." He is the V.P. of Corporate Communications at Sweetwater Sound, Inc., the national music instrument retailer.

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