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RTB: RottenTomatoBot takes on the scourge of film critics who wrote negative reviews of Kick-Ass

Introducing RTB: RottenTomatoBot, the hero who does everything within his power to protect the cinematic art form from moronic film critics!

If you’re confused by the above:

RottenTomatoes [1] is a website that, among other things, aggregates film critics’ reviews and, based on whether those reviews are “positive” or “negative,” assigns a grade of either “fresh” (60% or more positive), or “rotten” (less than 60% positive). It also has an active “community” of movie fans who comment on the reviews, and offer their own opinions. Occasionally, these commenters can get a little, shall we say, exuberant [2] in their rush to defend movies that they like (or that they think they’ll like but haven’t seen yet). They have been known to suggest that critics who don’t share their enthusiasm for certain films should “**** off”, or even die. “Uniqueness [3]” is sometimes used as an insult.

Today, Friday April 16th, a new comic book-based film entitled Kick-Ass [4] is opening. It’s gotten some decent reviews, but it’s also gotten some negative ones. The members of the RottenTomatoes community have dutifully sprung to its defense, suggesting that those who don’t see just how truly magnificent and entertaining this film is must be suffering from the ill effects of retardation or cancer, or a simple misunderstanding of the cinematic art form. So I took some of the more interesting RT community comments and turned them into a comic strip, featuring RTB: RottenTomatoBot, the fearless and enthusiastic defender of film against the nefarious forces of film critics who just don’t understand film. The original comments can be found at the RT Kick-Ass critics page, sorted by “rotten” here [5]. Or, you can check out my screenshots of the quotes here [6]. Or you can just take my word for it that the quotes in the comic above were actually typed and posted by actual commenters, and I wasted a lot of time gathering them and then drawing a comic strip character to represent the people who wrote them.

Ricky Sprague occasionally writes and/or draws things. He sometimes animates things. He has a Twitter account [10] and he has a blog [11]. He scripted this graphic novel [12] about Kolchak The Night Stalker. He is really, really good at putting links in bios.