politics & governmenttelevision

ABC to offer a double-o (as in Oprah & Obama) Christmas special

I just read a news item that informed me that ABC has announced they will air an Oprah Winfrey/President Obama Christmas special.

As Obama is slipping badly in the polls, failing at most of his major programs, and doesn’t appear to be all that interested in national security, I’d like to offer a modest proposal that will make all of America happy.

Obama should resign the presidency before he is defeated in a bid for a second term (he reminds me so much of Carter that I just know he will be a one-term president like the former peanut farmer). 

Obama should then announce that he will be replacing Oprah on TV.

Obama needs to be loved and adored, he loves to be seen and heard on TV, he has no talent other than public speaking, and he has an ego with no bounds. A TV talk show would be perfect for him — and America.

And on the other hand, we may get a president with a bit more experience and knowledge of politics, government, national security and world affairs.


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9 Responses to “ABC to offer a double-o (as in Oprah & Obama) Christmas special”

  1. Perhaps a better idea would be to have Oprah and Obama switch roles…Oprah as president. She’s got plenty of experience with politics, government, national security and world affairs. I mean, she knows everything, right?

  2. Ummm, it can’t be a Christmas special because that’s not PC and obama stated on youtube that “we’re not a Christian nation”.

    Somewhere in Kenya a village is still missing it’s idiot.

  3. We’re not a Christian nation, and only an idiot would spell the possessive pronoun “it’s.”

  4. Parsifal, You totally missed the point of Pat’s comment. Why would a president who claimed that we are not a Christian nation be on a Christmas special. You know, a TV special for a Christian holiday. Also, stop correcting peoples’ grammar, don’t be a troll.

  5. People should learn to write right. Then they would think right. Don’t be a dolt.

    Orwell said bad language makes bad politics. Ludwig Wittgenstein said, “Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.”

    Anyone who believes President Obama is a Kenyan, idiot or not, suffers from delusion, perhaps bad-grammar-induced.

  6. Before you start calling someone a dolt, you might want to learn to write CORRECTLY. So I am now going to disregard the rest of what you said because only an idiot would use improper grammar… correct?

  7. Mine was deliberate, as you well know, born of knowledge, not ignorance, of grammar. It has been used by such language mavens as Ted Bernstein, Edwin Newman, and William Safire. To nudge people in the CORRECT grammatical direction.

    You could look it up, or you could get someone to show you how.

  8. It’s funny, I used to be just like you. An elitist who likes to flex his intellectual muscles and try to make others look stupid through the use of articulate speech and talking down to them. Congratulations, you’re educated. And you can make people on forums look stupid. Must feel good.

    Also, Grmmaer is not Iptaronmt as lnog as you udrsanentd waht tehy maen.

    On the internet at least.

  9. Not impressed. Best thing you can do is go back to being more like me.

    Grammar is important. Maybe not on the Internet, but in the real world. “You know what I mean” is not a substitute for saying what you mean.

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